We have noticed that sometimes when the charger is finished with charging and we remove the device from the power supply. The VBUS input voltage (instead of dropping to 0V as normally happens) rises to +6V
It only seems to happen when the battery is fully charged.
See below a screenshot of a measurement:
Ch1 (yellow): VBUS ; Ch2 (blue): PMID ; Ch3 (purple):VREF ; Ch4 (green) mcu signal related to battery measurement.
In this case I plugged in the power supply -> Channels 1,2 and 3 rise to 5.15V.
4 seconds later the CH1, 2 and 3 start to oscillate
2 seconds later I unplug the power supply and Ch 1, 2 and 3 oscillate at a higher frequency while there is no power source except the battery on the output of the charger.
below zoomed in on the last section:
Can anyone explain how this can happen and what we can do to stop this.
In this situation our device keeps thinking it is in the charger and doesn't respond to other user inputs, and this can last for up to 1 minute.
Thanks for any help,