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TPS74801: TPS74801 application

Part Number: TPS74801
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV755P, TLV707P, TPS745

Hi All,

My customer would like to use TPS74801 for 4.5Vin, 4.5Vbias, 3.6Vout, maximum output current=0.2A application. could you help to confirm this application is ok or not? If not, could you explain the detail ?? do you have another recommend solution? how about TLV755Pcan be use?

  • Hi Mark,

    The concern for your application is the risk of entering dropout due to Vbias being extremely close to the Vbias dropout.  We generally recommend that Vbias be equal to Vout + 1.6 V in order to ensure that the LDO has enough headroom on Vbias to ensure regulation.

    If you do not have a rail that is 5.2 V or above, another LDO should be used.  Unfortunately we do not have a 3.6 V output version of TLV755P released at this time.  TLV707P looks like it could be a good fit for your application.

    Very Respectfully,


  • Thanks Ryan, about your attached picture, the Vbias dropout voltage should be equal to Vin-Vout, right? if output current is 0.5A, Vin=4.5V, vout should be equal to 4.5-1.1(dropout voltage)=3.4V, right?
    how about TPS745 for this application? looks like good fit for my application also, right?
  • Hi Mark,

    Vbias dropout is Vbias - Vout; however, since Vbias is equal to Vin in your application, your statement does hold true for your application. I agree that based on the typical characteristics curves TPS74801 will typically fit your application requirements. I am simply pointing out that you are on the verge of Vbias dropout.

    TPS745 is another option that fits what you have told me about your application requirements.

    Very Respectfully,