Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62095
Dear Sirs,
I am starting a new design with the TLV62095 converter and i am using the guidelines advised on the datasheet. The schematic part was set like the below image:
For the design of the PCB board it was followed (strictly) the recommended guide lines on the datasheet:
When i try to tie a higher load to converter's output the device is not sinking enough current. The circuit is regulating the calculated voltage but, it only works with small loads (less than 100mA). I cannot understand what's happening because all suggested advices were followed and everyting was built based on the information on the datasheet. It seems the IC is heating a lot and then enters in thermal shutdown.
Can you help me to solve this issue? Should i consider to use the TPS62095? Is there special thermal cosiderations that should be taken in consideration (which are not in the datasheet)?