Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ34Z100EVM, BQSTUDIO, GPCCHEM
I am using bq34z100EVM for monitoring 12 V Lead Acid battery from Leoch (LP12-9.0 (12V8.6AH)). The evm seem to be pre-programmed for monitoring 1 cell Li-ion batteries. When I connect a lead acid battery to the evm I get measurements as shown in the below screenshot. It shows battery voltage as 585mV and 0% charge even when the batteries are fully charged. I understand from the datasheet SLUSBZ5B that we need to make some changes to the data flash configuration data for the gauge to start measuring correctly. However, I am unsure as to the changes that needs to be made to adapt the baord for Lead acid battery measurements.
1) I have configured the evm hardware with J5 set to measure >5 and J2 configured for 16V. I am using EV2300 to interface it with the PC. And I am using BqStudio V 1.3.86
2) What are the parameters that need to be changed using BqStudio so that I could re-cofigure the evm to work with Lead Acid batteries?
3) I am unclear about certain parameters like no of cells. For lead acid is it by default more than 1?
3) Can TI provide me with a standard gg.csv file specific for Lead acid batteries to start off with. I know I may have to do some calibration id to get the closest Chem-id for better accuracy.
4) I have also attached the current data configuration file gg.csv file exported from the evm.