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TPS61096A: Damaged depending on input source

Part Number: TPS61096A


The TPS61096A is being used for a 5V to 28V conversion.

When the 5V is supplied from an Arduino Leonardo (which is powered by 8V and provides 5V via a NCP1117 LDO), the device is destroyed and it appears the low side FET is failing OPEN. The switch node just shows the input voltage and the output is about a .5V diode drop below that.

When the 5V is supplied from a bench power supply that is current limited to ~400mA, the rail comes up fine.

When powered by the arduino, 5V is provided via headers like a shield or TI BoosterPack. When powered by the bench supply, 5V is connected to the same header the arduino connects to.

Do you have any ideas on the cause of this? Are there any tests we can do to confirm?

I have the schematic and layout files which I can share privately.

Ryan B