Hi, I'm trying to use LM3404 to build a LED driver module. My input is a 12~13.2V battery, output is to driver 4 LED lamp. On each lamp there are 8 LEDs, each 2 LEDs in parallel become a group, and 4 groups line in serial. The forward voltage of the LED I use is 2.9V, and there are 4 lamps going to connect to the LM3404
The schematic of the driver and each lamp is in the attachment.
The issue I ran into is that when I connect only 1 LED lamp into the system, the current is around 110mA, but when I put a second lamp in to the system, the current stays the same and the brightness drops. After I put all 4 lamps in parallel on the output, the current is still the same. I tried to change the input PWM frequency from 20K~ 200K, adjusted the resister on CS pin (reduced value), but the output current seems limited.
Could anyone suggest how to modify to increase the output current? The estimated output is to reach 800mA on 11V output voltage.