Im evaluating the possible use of the TPS92518HV-Q1 in combination with the TPS92662-Q1 and would like some clarification
ive worked through the Typical Application Design Procedure which has the equation (37) D = VLedx / (Vin * n) but the source of "n" isn't specified and gives K when try and copy and paste it what is "n"?
am i correct in assuming when shunt dimming VLEDx is the forward voltage for the led string, and when using TPS92662-Q1 this can vary from the sum of the LEDs to that of a single LED (or that of shunt FETs when all shunted) i am unclear as to the appropriate Voltage to use. using the TPS92662-Q1 leds could be shunted for considerable periods of time resulting in highly variable voltages
e.g. for 10 LEDs (2.5-3.5 Vf) can swing from 2.5V to 35V depending on the combination shunted.
I think i should be using the Total Voltage for the string is this correct?
if this is the case it appears that the TPS92518HV-Q1 operates at a variable switching frequency dependent on the led voltage (Datasheet Figure 17. Frequency vs. LED OutputVoltage. Fixed Input Voltage)(limited by minimum on time tLEB = 250 ns)
you recommend in ( a PWM dimming frequency of at least 2kHz
and the TPS92662-Q1's power supply "is recommended to operate at a switching frequency between 250 times the PWM frequency and 2000 times the PWM frequency."
if this is correct then the switching frequency of the TPS92518HV-Q1 should be at least 500kHz,
however it appears that the maximum frequency limited by tLEB = 250 ns (equation 10) will drop to lower than 500kHz when shunt dimmed, by the TPS92662-Q1, to less than the full array of LEDS
Vin =40, VLED = 35 (10 LEDs) which gives (40/3.5)/(250*10^-9) = 3.50 MHz
Vin =40, VLED = 3.5 (1 LEDs) which gives (40/3.5)/(250*10^-9) = 350 kHz
is this correct use of that equation
it is not clear what the effect on the TPS92662-Q1 of dropping bellow the recommended switching frequency would be