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I am using an IC LM5176 to charge a battery. How can I use this IC in constant current mode, and that constant current should be controllable through PWM given by Microcontroller MSP430F5529?
Hi Rutuj,
Thank you for considering the LM5176. The LM5176 has a CC function but it is fixed internally and the setting is determined by the current sense resistor value. If you want to dynamically adjust the CC, you should consider to use an INA device, and use an external op-amp and let MSP430 to generate a PWM signal. Averaging the PWM signal by a RC filter becomes the CC reference voltage. Matching the current sense resistor value, the INA device gain, and the PWM duty, you will achieve the CC control. The concept is shown in the attached picture.
Youhao Xi, Applications Engineering
Is there any other solution to this problem, without using INA as described in the circuit diagram, as I'm using an external Current sensor ACS712 which gives analog signal to MSP and by sensing the current and I will be able to control the output current.