For my BQ25606 design, the STAT pin remains low even when the battery is completely charged.
I checked the current on battery. Our system takes 60mA current. When there is no charger at max battery level, the current out from the battery is 60mA, when I connect the charger, this current goes down to 45/47mA.
From this, I feel that the charger is providing remaining 13/15mA of current and hence the STAT pin remains low, I have added a 10K resistor between VBUS and GND but same result
When I switch OFF the module with the charger still connected, the battery current goes to zero and the stat pin goes High, now when the module is turned ON, the STAT pin remains high. If I take out the charger and reinsert the charger, the STAT pin goes low again and stays low unless the module is turned off.