I got the samples around Jan 2019.
and now I have 5 boards to test them. But the chip seems not work well on my boards.
the Input is 24V, the output is 5V and the current is about 50ma for light load test.
1. when I plug in the 24V, I can see the 5V output sometimes, and it cannot output for the other times. the pass rate is about 20%.
2. in failure case, I just can re-plug many times to get one pass result in some fail results.
3. in ok case, the output can be continue if I keep the input 24V power on.
the schematic is below, SYS_POWER is 24V, VBUS_UTC is 5V.
I have tried to remove R1015/R1019, C1015/R1023, or change another IND L1001, but no changes for this issue.