Hi All,
I have a generic doubt about Junction to case (Top & Bottom) thermal resistances specified in the data sheet of LM317 (http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm317.pdf). If I am mounting this component vertically on a PCB and have a heatsink that touch bottom pad (the dotted lined in the datasheet, page 3) and also the remainder of the package on the backside should I consider RθJC(bot) or RθJC(top) for my heatsink calculations?
Typical heat sinks for vertically mounted TO-220 packages
I think it should be the RθJC(bot) since the heatsink touches the bottom surface of LM317 and hence directly taking away heat from the closest point on the die but as http://www.ti.com/lit/an/spra953c/spra953c.pdf describes in page 7, section 2.4, typically RθJC(bot) is used for the ICs that are soldered right onto the PCB with metal slugs to take away heat from a point closest to the die. (As seen below)
So I am a little bit confused as to should I use the RθJC(bot) or RθJC(top) for heatsink calculations because the vertically mounted LM317 is not exactly same as the heat management process used in above picture (Used copper plate on PCB as a heatsink). Also, when in doubt, and if there is no limitation on the size of heatsink it is ok to choose a heatsink based on worst possible scenario calculation?