Hi TI experts,
I follow battery spec to setting Design capacity and Qmax by typical value. After learning cycle and update status=0e for new battery, BQ40Z50-R2 report SOH not 100% and TRM show the formula is FCC/Design Capacity and relation with SOH load rate. But it's not true, I found below value and setting will affect.
I follow battery spec to setting Design capacity and Qmax by typical value. After learning cycle and update status=0e for new battery, BQ40Z50-R2 report SOH not 100% and TRM show the formula is FCC/Design Capacity and relation with SOH load rate. But it's not true, I found below value and setting will affect.
1. Current at EOC.
2. Higher term voltage cause DOD error or over discharge below term voltage.
3. SOH load rate => less influence.
4. Design Capacity(mAh)
5. Wrong ChemID.(Best chemical ID max. deviation, % : 0.66)
6. SOH FC@25C Q
2. Higher term voltage cause DOD error or over discharge below term voltage.
3. SOH load rate => less influence.
4. Design Capacity(mAh)
5. Wrong ChemID.(Best chemical ID max. deviation, % : 0.66)
6. SOH FC@25C Q
Q1. Anything else?
Q2. How to setting Design Capacity(mAh)? By battery typical or minimum value?
Q3. Is SOH not be 100% is normal?
Q4. SOH formula looks like SOH FC@25C Q/Design Capacity. What are registers or value will affect SOH FC@25C Q? If I modify Design Capacity to let SOH be 100%, what's condition need to pay attenetion?
Need TI menmber help me to check it, many thanks.