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LM317: LM317DCY

Part Number: LM317


I have a question about LM317DCY performance which one is  how to calculating its output voltage tolerance. I know the variations of two resistors R1 and R2,{Vout=Vref*(1+R2/R1)} can caused its output variants . In datasheet mention the value of Vref is constant. That means we just need to calculate its toleration with below factors

1. Resistor tolerance

2. LM317's line regulation

3. LM317's Load regulation

Above 3 variations are all approximately Gaussian. It is right? 

For some device that we can find the Vref tolerance in its datasheet such as TL431AID, There is 25mV variants and I can calculate the TL431AID's output voltage toleration with it. Is it right?

The last question that could you please recommend a reference voltage power supply IC for board ADC (1.6V or 3.3V) calibration? 


Kurt Wu

Shao Hui Wu

  • Hello Shao,

    You can determine the tolerance of your output voltage based on the following variables.
    I will assume you need to use the LM317 across the datasheet temperature range.
    In general, it is typical to assume a normal distribution for most parameters. 
    The adjust current can be a worst case calculation, or you can also assume a normal distribution.

    We would need more design details on the ADC application to offer a recommendation, such as current draw and temperature range.
    However in general, ADC's are very noise sensitive and you will want an ultra low noise LDO.  You may also need to consider a precision reference if the tolerance is absolutely critical, such as in ADC's which use the power rail as the reference.  Please refer to TI documents slyt339.pdf, slyt355.pdf and slyt331.pdf for ADC voltage reference considerations.

    1. Reference voltage, resistor feedback network and adjust current
    Equation (1) in the datasheet gives the math to determine the output voltage based on the reference voltage, resistor feedback network and adjust current.
    As the designer, you will be in charge of the resistor tolerances chosen.  Typically they are chosen as 1% or 0.1% resistors.  The reference voltage and tolerance is given in the datasheet in the "Electrical Characteristics" section.  For this component it is listed as a nominal of 1.25V with a minimum of 1.2V and maximum of 1.3V.  The adjust current is given as a nominal 50uA and a worst case 100uA.

    2. Line regulation
    Additional tolerance is given based on the variation in DC input voltage.
    Section 6.5 "Electrical Characteristics" gives the maximum line regulation across temperature as 0.07 %/V.

    3. Load regulation
    Additional tolerance is given based on the variation in the DC output load current.
    Section 6.5 "Electrical Characteristics" gives the load regulation as 70mV max for output voltages under 5V, or 1.5% of the output voltage for anything greater than 5V.

    4. Line transients
    If you have any line transient conditions, this may cause a perturbation on the output voltage.
    This will often need to be characterized in your circuit based on your input filter, output filter and any additional compensation you add, such as feed foward capacitors or RC networks across the top setpoint resistor.

    5. Input ripple
    Typically the Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) is high enough that ripple on the input (such as that from another switching power supply feeding the LDO) is negligible.  The PSRR for this LDO at 10KHz is 60dB, for example, but it is only 20dB at 1MHz.

    6. Load transients
    If you have load transient conditions, this will cause a perturbation on the output voltage.  How much will depend on the magnitude and speed of the transient, the bandwidth of the LDO, and the output filtering or output capacitor(s) in the design.  This will often need to be characterized for your design.  Figures 3 and 4 give some examples of load transient response you may wish to review.

    If I have answered your question, please click the "Resolved" button below.


    - Stephen

  • Hello Stephen,

    Thanks for your quickly respond and clearly answer。

    1. For load regulation. Our application is 3.3V@100mA (max current 100mA) with 40mA variation. Can I reference the Typical characteristics Figure 1 which one the Vout=10V curve?  The curve shows just there is 4-5mV variation for full temperature range.
    2. Do I need to consider the output-voltage temperature stability? I thinks I can ignore it because the line regulation and load regulation are both include the temperature influence .  Is it right?
    3. For long-term stability how can understand the uint  % 1k hr. What does it means?


    Shao Hui Wu