I have a question about LM317DCY performance which one is how to calculating its output voltage tolerance. I know the variations of two resistors R1 and R2,{Vout=Vref*(1+R2/R1)} can caused its output variants . In datasheet mention the value of Vref is constant. That means we just need to calculate its toleration with below factors
1. Resistor tolerance
2. LM317's line regulation
3. LM317's Load regulation
Above 3 variations are all approximately Gaussian. It is right?
For some device that we can find the Vref tolerance in its datasheet such as TL431AID, There is 25mV variants and I can calculate the TL431AID's output voltage toleration with it. Is it right?
The last question that could you please recommend a reference voltage power supply IC for board ADC (1.6V or 3.3V) calibration?
Kurt Wu
Shao Hui Wu