Dear Sir,
Our customer want to use TPS56C230 for 12V to 5V@12A solution. and we have tried to this application on the EVM(we modify the related parts to match the 12v to 5V). It seems that we couldn't add the loading to 12A, the power fail when the load is about 11A and temperature is extra high(about 100C). and we would like you to help us with:
1. Why power fail after the load reach to 11A ? We have check the spec, and we suspect that it might hit the OCP? in the spec for the wild range temperature, the OCP will be target at 13A shown as below. Could you help confirming this?
2. How could we improve the thermal?Currently, we have asked customer is all more plane on the SW, Vout and Vout GND. and any other suggestion?
3. Do TI have the suggestion for the Iout max current for 12V to 5V and 12V to 3.3V design of TPS56C230?
Above, please kinldy let us know and if there is any other question, please feel free to contact with me