I used TPS56637 in my design, and I found some of them were burn out sometimes. The details as below:
1. the schematic
the sys_power is 24V. the function is output 5V, 9V, 15V.... when drive different N-mos.
2. the layout, picture shows the top layer, the bottom layer is GND copper.
3. I make about 10 boards, and when I first power on those boards, the function is ok.
after I power cycle some times, I found some of the TPS56637 were burned.
some of failed chips are short between VIN and GND. others even worse, the PCB pad also be burned.
currently, the chip I used is still the pre-RTM device, so I want to know
a. if this failure is related with my design or the version of this chip?
b. How can I improve the performance of this chip?
c. the application is to drive the type C power from 5V to 20V (I know TPS56637 only can output 16V max, so in this schematic the max voltage is 15V), is there any other power chip can have better performance than TPS56637?