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BQ27441-G1: SCL line stuck low

Part Number: BQ27441-G1


We have a board with a BQ27441-G1 which works fine, except where in very rare cases (thousands of hours and readings from the gauge) we found the SCL line being held down by the battery gauge. Except for power-cycling the gauge, we found that holding down SDA for >2 seconds, as specified in ch in the datasheet, will resolve the situation and the gauge will operate as normal afterwards.

Our situation is basically identical to

1. We are unable to reproduce this problem in the lab since it happen very rarely. I was therefore hoping someone here could point to a place to start investigating - anything in SW or HW we should particularly focus on?

2. Is this expected behavior for some error-situations? The datasheet ( mentions an internal watchdog and automatic resetting of the gauge - that seems more graceful than what we are seeing here...