Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS3123, TPS3852, TPS3125, TPS3124, TPS3126, TPS3851, TPS3850
The TPS3824 PMIC includes a watchdog capability which will assert its nRESET signal if its WDI input has not been toggled recently. (In addition to asserting nRESET if the voltage supply being monitored is too low.)
This capability also includes a feature wherein if the WDI input is toggled while the TPS3824 is currently asserting nRESET then the TPS3824 enters a state wherein nRESET is latched, that is it is continuously asserted until the power to the TPS3824 is cycled, regardless of the state of any further watchdog servicing using WDI.
This feature represents a risk to our product. If nRESET is latched, our product cannot function! I appreciate that this risk can be ameliorated by using a FET to decouple WDI while nRESET is asserted; furthermore that replacing our TPS3824 with a TPS3823A could remove this risk entirely. We are considering these options. Right now, however, I would like to make sure we have this risk well characterized, in order to have a good understanding of our exposure.
How sensitive is the WDI logic while nRESET is asserted? I assume that it cannot be as simple as "any H->L or L->H transitions on the WDI inputs while nRESET is asserted will cause nRESET to latch." After all, the act of asserting nRESET itself has a reasonable chance of _causing_ a transition on the WDI input, given the range of circuitry the TPS3824 might be connected to. Indeed, even if we use a FET to gate our WDI input, the act of switching WDI from being actively-driven to being high-impedance could conceivably be interpreted by the TPS3824 as a WDI transition.
As such, I have to believe that there's a bit of complexity there. Perhaps the TPS3824 needs to see more than one WDI transition before it latches. Perhaps it includes a time delay, where any WDI transitions that happen "soon" after nRESET is asserted are ignored. Perhaps there is some other kind of filtering involved.
Can you please provide more detail as to how this latching feature works? This would be of tremendous help in characterizing our risk.