I am having an issue about the equation and how what should be inputted for the following:
Vvref: I have put 3.3 for vref is 3.3V
RTHcold: I have put the resistance value from datasheet of 103AT of 0 degrees which is 27.28k ohms
RTHhot: I have put the resistance value from datasheet of 103AT of 45 degrees which is 4.911k ohms
VLTF: I have put the percentage which is 73.5% from BQ24610 datasheet which is cold temperature rising threshold
VTCO: I have put the percentage which is 34.4% from BQ24610 datasheet which is cut-off temperature rising threshold
I have taken a screenshot of the formula I rewrote on to MathCAD
The result for RT2 and RT1 looks very off from what is given as recommended RT2 and RT1?
Please, could I have help on what values I should have put in?
Best regards