Hello team,
my customer started working on the EVM of the LM5085.
"The diode must be rated for the maximum input voltage, and the worst case current limit level"
Despite an increase in Rsns to reduce scissors, the current limitation is 3.4A-5.8A, hence a 6A 80V shottky.
The simulator is in complete contrast with what is stated by the datasheet, for example:
"C2 (Cac) is then chosen large compared to C1, typically 0.1µF. "
It is not clear how to calculate the 3 components using the datasheet formulas, example:
R5 20mR
R3 2.4k
R4 390k
R2 549R
L1 33uH saturazione > 5.8A
R7 26.7k
C9 3.3nF
C10 33nF
C6 C7 generici 100uF 105° 50V low esr
Could you please help us to clarify this situation?
Thank you in advance for your support.
Best regards,