Help me out with the SBS BatteryMode command. I am attempting to use the BatteryMode 0x03 command to turn off Alarm Messages to the charger. I have batteries with bq20z90 and bq2084 gauges and neither appears to shut down the alarms when I send the command to the gauge. The attached I2C bus analyzer trace shows the gauges receive the command (note there is no *, meaning the last byte was ACKed), but aside from that, I'm clueless on what other requirement need to be met to shut off the alarm messages.
The only devices on the bus are the battery and an MSP430 that I'm using to send the BatteryMode command and receive messages to the charger (address 0x9). Just to elaborate, I've set all three LSBits of the mode command just to see if I could shut off the charge command too. The bottom trace shows the current of 500ma being sent out.
Please note the message requests to address 0x8 come from the gauge, and I don't know who/what they are trying to address/do.