Dear sir or madam
i am using BQ25713 in order to charge my 4Cell li-po batteries and also to power my system.
as i understand from datasheet we have to do these steps after POR:
1- set two resistor with ratio of 0.75 at CELL_BATPRES pin18 in order to say we have 4cell (we choosed 100k and 300k res)
2- set charge current in reg 02h and 03h
3- MAXChargeVoltage registers default values are ok to me.
4- set ADC register 3Bh and 3Ah in order to be able to read adc values
i need 12v for driving my DC motor and also 5v and 3v for my circuit
if these assumptions are ok my questions are:
1- can i give VBUS and VBAT with back to back diodes to down converter regulators and regulate my voltages to 12,5 and 3v?
2- what is difference if i give VSYS and VBAT to regulators?
3- how can i be sure that input voltage of my regulator in not coming below 12v? (can i do it by MinSystemVoltage Register 0Dh and 0Ch)
4- how can i limit input current of system?
i know i asked many questions but as always your answer will definitely help
best regards