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BQ24295: LiPo Safety Tripped

Part Number: BQ24295

On about 2-3% of my installed BQ24295 + 1S LiPo Battery, something is causing the safety chip on the LiPo to trip. (out of 100 deployed boards only 2-3 issues)

For example, my device will suddenly refuse to charge the battery (monitored by MAX17201).

With Power Supply giving DC power to BQ24295, I measure the voltage at the LiPo Battery terminals and it reads 3.6v but no charging current (but expected since LiPo is below 4.1v)

Removing the LiPo from the board (but still having LiPo Safety Board "inside battery"), measuring the voltage I get 4.1v.

Plugging the battery back into the board, now I get a small charge to top off the battery.

The way I use this chip is to have DC power continuously supplied to the BQ24295 so that the LiPo is continuously charging.

I do NOT use VBUS 5V

However I do use the SYS output and boost/buck to 3.3v/5v as necessary, even when DC power is plugged in.

If I'm doing anything against the rules, it's not intentional :)  Has anyone else seen their LiPo Batteries "randomly lock out"?
