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TPS55330: TPS55330

Part Number: TPS55330

Hi Sir,

What possible situation will cause TPS55330 occur "current spike"?


  • Hi Ian,

    What do you mean current spike?

  • Hi Sir,

    Pls reference schematic as below, the issue is F404 fuse (1.25A) burn out.

    Pls advise what possible cause kindly of issue?


    VIN(VPOWER): 4.5V~5V

    VOUT(D5V_OTG): 5.1V

    IOUT(MAX): 900mA (full load)

    Thanks, Ian.

  • Hi Ian,

    The fuse current capability of 1.25A is very marginal.

    Assume the efficiency is 90%, the maximum average input current is 5.1V*0.9A/4.5V/90%=1.13A. However, considering the load transient inductor current step, start up input inrush current, the input current will be higher than 1.25A. 

    To check it, please probe input current during startup and load transient and select a higher current capability Fuse. Hope that helps.