My question: Can I use !RST/EN pin to shut off the output of driver UCC21750?
In case of RDY goes low (VCC or VDD fault) or !FLT pin goes low (Desat fault), I would like to do the following fault management
- 1) RS latch circuit will capture either Vcc UVLO or Desat fault
- 2) Soft turn-off on this abnormal IGBT
- 3) For other IGBTs, a separate fault management circuit will pull down all !RST/EN pins through a 2N7002 MOSFET
- 4) Finally, all PWMs are disabled locally in the converter, even IN+ and IN- are still receiving PWM signals from the controller
- 5) Controller will detect the latched logic signal, and turn off all PWMs into IN+ and IN-
- 6) The controller has to reset the RS latch circuit so that the converter can start to switch
Do you have any comments over this fault management?
What is the switching and delay characteristics on output OUTH and OUTL when you pull down the !RST/EN pin through a 2N7002 MOSFET?
Thank you.