Dear Sir,
We have used LM5069 IC in our power supply module for below output configuration.
Output Voltage: 40V
Load Current: 15A
At start, 10.5mF capacitive load applied to LM5069 output.
Current limit set: 18.33A (55mV/3mohm)
Timing Capacitor: 3.3uF (Fault time: 155ms)
Power limit resistor: 47K (Power limit: 125W)
There is no Soft start (dv/dt) circuit used.
When module powered ON with 10.5mF capacitor load at start, expected 40V output voltage is reached @120ms (<155ms(Fault timer)) and observed waveforms is attached here. Figure 1- Green-LM5069 output Voltage & Blue - Load current.
Figure 2- Green - Gate voltage & Blue- Load current.
From the figure 2, we could see load current is reaching 0A during inrush current limiting period & Gate voltage abruptly drops & raises repeatedly.
Please clarify the reason why load current is reaching 0A instead LM5069 allowing (125W/Vds drop) current during inrush current limiting period.
Waiting for your reply. Thank you..