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BQ24295: Simple Implementation Questions

Part Number: BQ24295


I am planning to use the BQ24295 in a prototype device and after reviewing the datasheet I have a few questions about the implementation.  Note that I am using this IC as a simple charger + powerpath (no external device charging).  I will have 2x 18650 batteries (limited to 5A current), and will use a 5V/3A USB C connector for charging.

1. I see the sample circuit is provided for 1.5A charge limit.  I'd like to use the full 3A capability of this IC (I will be using a USB C connector sourcing from a supply that allows 3A/5V).  From section, I understand the suggestion is to set inductor to give ripple current of 20-40% of charge current.  I don't however see any graphs regarding efficiency vs ripple current/inductor size.  I am a bit hesitant to double the ripple current of suggested schematic (e.g. using 1.1uH inductor with  and expect ripple current of ~0.75A), and wanted to confirm this is what is suggested for full 3A charge current. 

2. A secondary part on using 3A charge current, I want to confirm that shorting ILIM to ground is the correct thing to do to allow for full charge current.

3. I'm planning to use the SYS output rather than driving my system directly from battery so I can take advantage of the powerpath.  Does this mean that although my batteries are capable of delivering up to 5A, that my system can only draw up to 3A?  If I connect my system directly to the battery, I assume that means that I couldn't use the powerpath (e.g. when battery very low or disconnected, no power would be delivered to my system).

4. For USB connection, I understand charge negotiation is handled by the BQ24295 using D+ and D- lines.  For the full 3A I understand I'll need to use a USB-C cable, but the datasheet does not describe the connections required here outside the basic power, ground, and D+/D- lines.    Does there need to be any other connections to the USB C Connector (e.g. CC1/CC2)?  Note I will not be using USB for data, only for charging.

5. In my simple application I don't plan to use my device for charging any external devices which appears to be the purpose of PMID/OTG pins, however I'm not fully clear here.  How should I set up these pins when not trying to charge external devices?  From my understanding I should still have the majority of the input capacitance on PMID (e.g. Vbus 1uF, PMID 20uF) and then short OTG to ground, however I would appreciate confirmation.

6. In my prototype, I'm using 18650 batteries (2x in parallel) which have protection built-in.  For this simple prototype, I don't plan to include a thermistor as the cells are protected themselves.  In other chargers I've seen option of omitting the thermistor by tieing pin to ground, but I don't see that option here.  I'm considering setting up a voltage divider to fake the thermistor, but wanted to check to ensure this is reasonable (at least for prototypes).

7. In the layout example on pg 44 of datasheet, there's a resistor between BTST pin and the BTST capacitor, but this isn't shown anywhere else in the datasheet.  Can you clarify if/why a resistor might be placed on the BTST output before the capacitor?

8. Is there a simple way to know when battery is charging, fully charged, and charger unplugged without setting up I2C?  I understand that STAT will be driven low when charging, but seems like there wouldn't be a difference on STAT beteween charge finished and charge cable disconnected.  From my understanding the REGN line will only be driven (to approx 5V) when charger cable is connected, is this correct?  I'm also considering directly monitoring the VBUS line via my MCU.

9. Does CE line matter when VBUS is disconnected?  Is it okay to simply always drive CE low, or will this cause excessive current when charger is disconnected?

I will look forward to your clarifications and greatly appreciate your support to help me avoid issues.

Kind Regards,


  • Jon,

    Please visit for BQ2429X: Schematic Review and PCB Layout Design Tips and for BQ2419X/2429x FAQs. The documents should answer your questions. Please note that the charger does not have battery detection function.



  • Thank you for providing links to additional documentation Ning.  Unfortunately this information did not resolve most of my questions.  It did answer my question about TS pin (number 6), and also gave me more insight on the BTST resistor (number 7).  It also sounds like the answer to number 8 is no.  I assume my answer to 2 is yes, however I'm still a bit unclear.  I have found no clarification on questions 1, 3, 4, and 5.

    Can you please try to provide me some insight on my numbers 1-5?

    Thank you,

  • Jon,

    It is highly recommended to get familiar with the device operations by testing the device EVM before making customized designs.

    1. The EVM uses 2.2uH at for optimized performance.

    2. If ILIM pin is short, the input current limit is set by the IINLIM register (REG00[2:0]).

    3. Please refer to 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions on the d/s.

    4. Please refer to D+/D– Detection Sets Input Current Limit, Table 2. bq24295 USB D+/D– Detection and Table 3. bq24295 Non-Standard Adapter Detection. The device can't detect USB C.

    5. If OTG boost mode is not used, short the OTG pin to ground. Please place at least 8.2-uF cap at the PMID pin even if OTG mode is not used.



  • Thank you for following up Ning.

    I understand your comments on 1 and 2, this is still quite vague but I will plan to perform my own testing here to optimize my design. 

    For 3, this is the table I referred to, however it is not clear.  I see the Ibat "Discharging current with internal MOSFET" is rated to 5.5A, however the Isys output current is limited to 3.5A.  My understanding is the battery discharge path is only through Isys (from block diagram in section 8.2, BATFET Q4).  I am hoping the Isys spec is only applying for power path option and that the Ibat discharge spec overrides this, but this is a big assumption.  Should I trust the Isys spec or the Ibat discharge spec?

    For 4, I understand the device itself is not a controller for USB C and is not intended to detect or control this.  But this is a part rated for 3A and I am looking to utilize its full capability, which in my understanding would require USB C (unless other DC power adapter is used, in which case the D+/D- handling becomes unnecessary).  It is odd to me that the reference design is limited to 1.5A with usage of USB micro connector and BC1.2 charging specification.  It is great that this part includes BC1.2 spec (as described in section in case lower power supply is connected, however this doesn't lead towards using the full 3A capability of this part.  I would think that connecting to a USB C connector is a very common application of this part and I would appreciate any design notes or suggestions for full 3A implementation.

    For 5, thank you for this clear answer.

    I appreciate your support.
    Kind Regards,

  • Jon,

    As mentioned earlier, it is highly recommended to get familiar with the device operations by testing the device EVM before making customized designs. The charger operations are pretty complicated. It is not easy to explain clearly on paper. Hands-on experiences worth a thousand of words. Please evaluate the EVM first and then let us know if you still have any questions.




  • Ning, I am not comfortable trusting a single bench test result on a design meant for high quantity production.  I find it important to rely on datasheet specifications rather than single unit testing to minimize failures that may only be found in large quantity production and/or long term usage.  I will use another part that I can have confidence in through datasheet, app notes, and support.

  • Hi,

    For 3, 3.5A refers to DC SYS current. The BATFET discharging current limit (IBATFET_OCP) is 5.5A minimum. Please refer to System Over-Current Protection for the details.

    For 4,  the EVM design supports 3A application at

