I'm testing out a three phase bridge rectifier design to rectify three phase from a brushless DC motor driven with this ideal diode controller and it's not working as I expect. The circuit is similar to the following, except the diodes are replaced with an N-channel MOSFET and the LM74670. The load resistance I've tested with is 1k and 100 ohms.
The problem is as the generator starts to spin, the rectified DC waveform contains large spikes (up to 30V) that occur when the gate drive switches. I've also noticed that the gate drive does not hold steady and switches a lot during a period where it should be steady.
- Do I need some kind of snubber network to reduce these spikes? But I'm not sure how that will prevent the gate drive from switching as often as it is.
- Can I add some hysteresis to the switching of the gate drive somehow?
Can provide oscilloscope images if needed.
Thank you!
ECE Student