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TLC5973: Inquire about serial data.

Part Number: TLC5973

Hi TI experts,

It was applied to landscape lighting application using TLC5973. Many LED drivers are connected in series with the TLC5973's SDI->SDO solution as shown below.

If one TLC5973 fails, the LED driver connected after the faulty IC does not work.

Is there a solution that can safely connect the data even if the LED driver breaks down in the middle? Or is there a new IC that can solve that problem?

This is a problem in the field. please quick review.


Downey Kim.

  • Hi Downey,

    Sorry that we have no solution of TLC5973 to solve this issue. Could you help share more background of your application and requirements about LED driver, like how much LEDs you want to drive and how much current you need? If it is LED cluster, how long would be your board? Maybe there are some other device we can recommend.