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LM5166: Supply ramdomly shuts down, does not restart - silicon fault?

Part Number: LM5166

We have several hundred of this design now operating and from time to time the output from the 48V/12V supply disappears. The time between occurrenences is long and appears to be random eg 2 or 3 occurences in total  a week over the entire population.

Reapplying 48V input restores normal operation.

Our configuration is PFM mode. We have a quite long softstart period (large CSS) but had previously noticed this identical condition on a development unit a long time ago which used just 26u for CSS (see previous thread where we raised it). This particular unit failed every few days on average. We dismissed the issue (unfortunately) as a one off damaged component. As a precautionary step we also decreased the FB resistive divider values to reduce any noise on this high impedance circuit.

We were fortunate to have one of our lab units in a test bed system exhibit this fault. Inspection of the unit found no obvious external conditions to the chip:

  1. Vin: Ok, and noise/spike free  [also during normal operation]
  2. Enable(EN): 6.64V  [also during normal operation]
  3. VHYS: 174mV [also during normal operation]
  4. FB: 0V

We note howover that:

  1. VSS: 185mV, and steady (noise free + constant)
  2. No activity on SW pin. In fact SW is HiZ indicating that neither pull up or pull down FET ever switch ON
  3. Pulling EN low and releasing restarted correct operation of the "latched up" unit.

It is noted that other designers here have experienced and reported similar issues with the LM5166. 

It appears the LM5166 component has internally latched up. Can anyone assist?:

  1. What is the trigger event, and if this is external stimulus how to eliminate it?
  2. Is there a workaround to ensure the device exits this condition and restarts? 

Thanks, Craig

UPDATE 12th April 2021: ( I am modifying original post because I cannot for some reason insert images within a reply)

We have been investigating this further and found if noise is injected onto either the EN pin or the FB pin, the LM5166 chip will quickly shut down and not attempt to restart until a power cycle. It would appear that the internal logic of the LM5166 perhaps latches up.

As a starting point white noise of about 3V pk-pk was superimposed onto the 7V DC present on the EN pin. The EN voltage is always much greater than the enable threshold. The switcher 12V output can be seen to colapse  after several seconds and removing the white noise does not see the LM5166 restart - a full power cycle is required.

From other measurements the EN input seems to require a state to be valid for 1.3us or longer to be recognised logically as an enable or disable condition.  With this in mind we tried applying step changes rather than noise to the EN input. Pulse widths of roughly 0.3 to 0.8us at 3V pk-pk also cause the LM5166 to shutdown and stay latched in this condition. 1V pk-pk has no effect and can be tolerated indefinitely.

The preceding effect can also be replicated by applying transients to the 48V supply input of our design (ie 48V down to  4~8V spikes of 0.3 to 0.8us duration at some tens of khz). Application of the stimulus with a lower repetition rate has not been effective in quickly reproducing the problem.

Placing a 100pF capacitor from EN to gnd provides a significant improvement but the LM5166 will still latch from time to time. Alternatively with 100pF on the FB pin to ground we have to date been unable to effect a latch up with stimulus apllied to the 48V input..

We are wondering if:

  • the LM5166 is susceptable to internally generated switching noise under certain operating conditions , which will also be dependent on the design implementation and so not seen in all designs.
  • addition of the 100pF on the FB pin is providing a low impedance path and reduces internal silicon noise which otherwise results in occassional random device latch-up from time to time

Any thoughts? Thanks.

UPDATE 20th April 2021:

  • Hi,

    Could you please help capture waveforms of VIN/SW/SS/VOUT when the issue happen? And please try a small inductor like 47uH and smaller Css like 33nF. Thanks.

  • Hi Iven that you for responding. We have been trying to capture this event but it is very difficult due to the random nature and time between. Unless I deploy several hundred oscilloscopes we may be waiting months or more by just monitoring a single unit.  :(

    Why do you suggest modifying the inductor value and Css value? Is there a known issue with the LM5166 that this will address? We are using the inductor value per the TI provided design calculator spreadsheet and operation appears to be otherwise as expected.  The lcurrent Css value is required to set the soft start time we require, but as noted in my post we have experienced similar behaviour  before when it was only 26n.

    Do you have an idea why the component would just "randomly" stop operating and not attempt to restart at all?



  • Hi,

    Understand. When working on PFM mode, a larger inductor brings lower working frequency which makes larger power component (inductor, capacitors) size necessary, otherwise you will get larger output voltage ripples which might brings unexpected noise on GND path. Btw, could you please share the PCB layout, it maybe helpful to have a better look in this issue.

  • Hi Ivan, please see the update to my orignal post, thanks.

  • Hi,

    EN function is only used for a DC (or very low-rate-changing) signal to control device mode, if there is huge noise it's recommended add >1uF capacitor from EN to GND.

  • Hi Iven

    We  dont have a signal generator injecting noise into each of our products on the enable line, the sole purpose of this is to discover why the LM5166 component randomly ceases operation and requires a hard power on reset to recontunue correct operation.  What we are looking at here is a susceptability of the chip to noise.

    As we dont see significant noise on the 48V supply input in operation (and a divided version of that on EN) the suspicion is internally generated noise within the chip when operating with our configuration, that requires a low impendance ground path at preferably FB (and perhaps EN also).

    When others in the past have raised this same problem it appears to have been overcome by changing component values etc without ever really understanding what the root cause was. We wish to understand the underlying problem so that we can have surity that it has been completely resolved and our product is as reliable as expected.



  • Hi,

    My suggestion is firstly change to a reasonable inductor value and you can refer to Webench calculation results in case it's an application problem as there is no waveform so it's hard to look into details. Secondly you can do an A-B-A test that changing devices keeping same PCB, if the issue follows device you can contact your sales to do an FA analysis to see if there is a potential damage.

  • Hi Iven

    We are using the preferred value as recommend by the TI provided design tool for the LM5166 component (now added screen shot in original post). Can you please elaborate on your statement "change to reasonable inductor value"?  We note that some simulations in the generic Webench tool can give lower inductor values depending on exact parameters set.

    Without understanding the reason behind this issue how can we have confidence in either (or any) value, we cannot build thousands of these items at a time and let them run for months as a way of choosing a value, and still not understanding why this might work.   Are you aware of any defect in the LM5166 component which we explicitly need to design around (eg operating frequency, peak inductor current etc)?

    At the moment it appears that the FB pin needs a high frequency low impedance path to ground (100pF seems to work).  Since a similar affect can be achieved by alternately placing a cap on the EN pin instead it would appear that the LM5166 has an internal noise issue.

    Thanks Craig

  • Hi,

    As you already followed the calculation tool recommendations, it might not be an application issue. As I suggested you can do an A-B-A test that changing devices keeping same PCB, if the issue follows device you need to contact your sales to do an FA analysis to see if there is a potential damage, then we will know whether the device is partly damaged. Thanks.

  • Hi Iven

    Thank you we will look at logisitcs of A-B-A testing. The challenge here is it may be months between a failure/latchup of any particular device.

    It would appear that from a single deployment of 500 units that latchup is in the main random, both in time and particular unit.

    Direct injection of low level white noise or 0.6us pulses onto EN or FB during operation seems to cause ALL LM5166 to latchup within several seconds. We believe it is likely this is just triggering the susceptability that randomly occurs during normal operation.

    Does TI have any details of an internally generated noise issue with this component? We do not seem to be the first to raise this issue.



  • Hi,

    As mentioned in previous post, EN function is only used for a DC (or very low-rate-changing) signal to control device mode. There is no known internal generated noise so far but unpredicted issue might be happened when internal EN logic are interfered by external noise with large amplitude. I think the first step you can do is to do FA analysis after ABA test and if find the device is damaged.

  • Hi Iven

    Many devices (all ?) will eventually latch up , given time. We have seen latch-up occur when operation is from a clean 48V laboratory supply (noise in the mV range at 48V DC). It is unlikely faulty/damaged components have been received as different silicon batches most  likely have been consumed in multiple end product production runs. 

    If 2V pk-pk white noise is injected onto the 8V DC bias on the EN pin ( ie 7-9V DC >> 1.22V, the EN threshold ) all devices tested so far latch-up within several seconds and will not restart without removing 48V input supply for a few seconds. Do you consider this as large amplitude?

    Our conclussion is that this injected noise triggers the same condition that will occurr at some point during normal LM5166 operation - can't say for sure but it would be very co-incidental.  Other reported E2E cases involving this problem seem to have eventually been resolved by personal e-mail so we are not privy to the final details of their outcome.

    We have re-called and modified a few hundred units from a single system with 100pF bypass on the FB pin. Prior to this modification 1~2 latchups were  occurring each day. After 1 week of operation return no latch-ups have been observed on the modified population.

    Why does this modification affect LM5166 internal latch-up? Will it be effective for all units and silicon batches? Without understanding the internal LM5166 latch-up mechanism how can we have confidence that the issue is fully resolved? - other than increasing the deployed population with this change and waiting to see, at considerable financial and reputational exposure.



  • Hi,

    1. Yes, 2V pk-pk white noise injected onto the 8V DC bias on the EN pin is considered as a large amplitude. For this application, sufficient capacitance is needed from EN to GND.

    2. It's recommended that you can contact your sales or disty, then they can help do FA analysis and involve more dedicated engineers to look into your case where might be confidential info cannot be released to the public. Thanks for your consideration.