Dear TI Support team,
In my design, I planned to use a number of TPSM84205 regulator modules and some of their VIN and GND pins will not be directly connected to a voltage source and the absolute ground of the system. So, for this purpose, I have put effort into digging into the unencrypted transient model provided at and found out that some internal nodes are connected to the absolute ground (0). I modified the model file by adding an additional GND node to each subcircuit, changing all 0 to GND, and put “-V(GND)” after all “V(..)” (Except .IC … lines, and condition statements like “..>0.5, 1 , 0, which I am not certain about if they are something to do with ground). Luckily, using the regex expressions of “v\(([\w]*)\)” and “\(v\($1\)-v\(GND\)\)“ on Notepad++ can easily replace the voltage references.
After that, I also modified the schematic of the provided simulation project by adding a small value of resistor after the Vsource and before the absolute ground. The simulation result showed that there was still a small quantity of current going to the ground. Theoretically, should all of the current quantity return back to the Vsource (25V)? For my design purpose, has this modification been correctly done or how should it be further modified? If TI would be able to provide a non-internally-absolute ground (node 0) transient simulation model, also even an average transient one, it would be great for me.
The modified model file is also attached here.
A screen caption of the schematic and the simulation result of R1 are attached here.
Best regards,