Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-01232
Referring http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/tiducs7/tiducs7.pdf ,
If we apply ANY-OUT version, Erfb = 0, thus Evout = Evref which is 1% of VoutNom accoriding to example in application note.
Let's take VoutNom as 3.3V, Evout (maximum expected error of LDO output) would be 33mV.
According to equation (2):
Let's take IoutMaxSingle = 4A and IoutMaxTotal = 3.5A, Rballast would be 435.6mΩ.
But from what we know, the ballast resistor is used to absorb the output voltage variance between 2 LDOs.
So as long as we satisfy the condition for (Vout1 - Iout1 x Rballast = Vout2 - Iout2 x Rballast), then it should be fine.
If we take the same condition as above, Evout = ±1% of 3.3V = ±33mV, thus Vdiff = 2 x Evout = 66mV, Iout1 = 4A and Iout2 = 3.5A (total 7.5A), Rballast would be 132mΩ, which is huge different from equation (2).
Can I have the derivation for equation (2)?
Why is VoutNom multiplication apply to equation (2)?
The voltage drop become more significant when the ballast resistor value gets larger.