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I have BQ34Z100 with high capacity 4-cell LiFePO4 battery. I came through the learning cycle and Update Status is reached 06. I am charging the battery with automatic charger till 14.6 volt and this voltage is normally lowering till 13.6V during 1 day of relaxation. The problem is that BQ34z100 State of charge is decreasing to 94% in a week with no load (I checked it once in two days), and is staying constantly on this level after it. Now the battery voltage is 13.4V (BH is set) and SoC is not decreasing any more during 2 weeks.
I was thinking the problem is because of cleared BH flag during relaxation. I lowered Cell BH Clear Volt Threshold value till 3250 (it was 3400 before), but the problem still exist.
What the problem could be? Could it be something wrong in Data Flash parameters?
GG is attached
[Header] bq EVSW Version = 0.9.86 DeviceName = bq34z100 v0.06 Time = 11.09.2013 9:27:37 [Safety(Configuration)] OT Chg = 55.0 OT Chg Time = 2 OT Chg Recovery = 50.0 OT Dsg = 60.0 OT Dsg Time = 2 OT Dsg Recovery = 55.0 [Charge Inhibit Cfg(Configuration)] Chg Inhibit Temp Low = 0.0 Chg Inhibit Temp High = 45.0 Temp Hys = 5.0 [Charge(Configuration)] Suspend Low Temp = -5.0 Suspend High Temp = 55.0 [Charge Termination(Configuration)] Taper Current = 500 Min Taper Capacity = 5 Cell Taper Voltage = 100 Current Taper Window = 30 TCA Set % = 99 TCA Clear % = 95 FC Set % = -1 FC Clear % = 98 DODatEOC Delta T = 10.0 [Data(Configuration)] Rem Cap Alarm = 100 Initial Standby = 0 Initial MaxLoad = -500 Manuf Date = 04-juuli-2013 Ser. Num. = 0001 Cycle Count = 16 CC Threshold = 900 Design Capacity = 6000 Design Energy = 19200 SOH Load I = -400 TDD SOH Percent = 90 Cell Charge Voltage T1-T2 = 3600 Cell Charge Voltage T2-T3 = 3600 Cell Charge Voltage T3-T4 = 3500 Charge Current T1-T2 = 10 Charge Current T2-T3 = 50 Charge Current T3-T4 = 30 JEITA T1 = 0 JEITA T2 = 10 JEITA T3 = 45 JEITA T4 = 55 ISD Current = 10 ISD I Filter = 127 Min ISD Time = 7 Design Energy Scale = 1 Device Name = bq34z100 Manufacturer Name = Texas Inst. Device Chemistry = LiFe [Discharge(Configuration)] SOC1 Set Threshold = 150 SOC1 Clear Threshold = 175 SOCF Set Threshold = 75 SOCF Clear Threshold = 100 Cell BL Set Volt Threshold = 2900 Cell BL Set Volt Time = 2 Cell BL Clear Volt Threshold = 3000 Cell BH Set Volt Threshold = 3600 Cell BH Volt Time = 2 Cell BH Clear Volt Threshold = 3250 [Manufacturer Data(Configuration)] Pack Lot Code = 0000 PCB Lot Code = 0000 Firmware Version = 0000 Hardware Revision = 0000 Cell Revision = 0000 DF Config Version = 0000 [Integrity Data(Configuration)] Static Chem DF Checksum = 6944 [Lifetime Data(Configuration)] Lifetime Max Temp = 33.0 Lifetime Min Temp = 20.0 Lifetime Max Chg Current = 1990 Lifetime Max Dsg Current = -2780 Lifetime Max Pack Voltage = 14764 Lifetime Min Pack Voltage = 11500 [Lifetime Temp Samples(Configuration)] LT Flash Cnt = 55 [Registers(Configuration)] Pack Configuration = 09E1 Pack Configuration B = FE Pack Configuration C = 30 LED_Comm Configuration = 00 Alert Configuration = 0000 Number of series cell = 4 [Lifetime Resolution(Configuration)] LT Temp Res = 1.0 LT Cur Res = 100 LT V Res = 25 LT Update Time = 60 [LED Display(Configuration)] LED Hold Time = 4 [Power(Configuration)] Flash Update OK Cell Volt = 2899 Sleep Current = 10 FS Wait = 0 [Manufacturer Info(System Data)] Block A 0 = 00 Block A 1 = 00 Block A 2 = 00 Block A 3 = 00 Block A 4 = 00 Block A 5 = 00 Block A 6 = 00 Block A 7 = 00 Block A 8 = 00 Block A 9 = 00 Block A 10 = 00 Block A 11 = 00 Block A 12 = 00 Block A 13 = 00 Block A 14 = 00 Block A 15 = 00 Block A 16 = 00 Block A 17 = 00 Block A 18 = 00 Block A 19 = 00 Block A 20 = 00 Block A 21 = 00 Block A 22 = 00 Block A 23 = 00 Block A 24 = 00 Block A 25 = 00 Block A 26 = 00 Block A 27 = 00 Block A 28 = 00 Block A 29 = 00 Block A 30 = 00 Block A 31 = 00 [IT Cfg(Gas Gauging)] Load Select = 1 Load Mode = 0 Max Res Factor = 15 Min Res Factor = 3 Ra Filter = 500 Fast Qmax Start DOD % = 92 Fast Qmax End DOD % = 96 Fast Qmax Start Volt Delta = 200 Cell Terminate Voltage = 2800 Cell Term V Delta = 50 ResRelax Time = 200 User Rate-mA = 0 User Rate-Pwr = 0 Reserve Cap-mAh = 0 Reserve Energy = 0 Max Scale Back Grid = 4 Cell Max DeltaV = 200 Cell Min DeltaV = 0 Max Sim Rate = 2 Min Sim Rate = 20 Ra Max Delta = 44 Qmax Max Delta % = 5 Cell DeltaV Max Delta = 10 Fast Scale Start SOC = 10 Charge Hys V Shift = 40 [Current Thresholds(Gas Gauging)] Dsg Current Threshold = 60 Chg Current Threshold = 75 Quit Current = 40 Dsg Relax Time = 60 Chg Relax Time = 60 Quit Relax Time = 1 Cell Max IR Correct = 400 [State(Gas Gauging)] Qmax Cell 0 = 7609 Cycle Count = 8 Update Status = 02 Cell V at Chg Term = 3673 Avg I Last Run = -2363 Avg P Last Run = -7592 Cell Delta Voltage = 16 T Rise = 20 T Time Constant = 1000 [OCVa Table(OCV Table)] Chem ID = 0421 [R_a0(Ra Table)] Cell0 R_a flag = 0055 Cell0 R_a 0 = 45 Cell0 R_a 1 = 45 Cell0 R_a 2 = 54 Cell0 R_a 3 = 45 Cell0 R_a 4 = 45 Cell0 R_a 5 = 45 Cell0 R_a 6 = 54 Cell0 R_a 7 = 54 Cell0 R_a 8 = 72 Cell0 R_a 9 = 81 Cell0 R_a 10 = 81 Cell0 R_a 11 = 81 Cell0 R_a 12 = 81 Cell0 R_a 13 = 99 Cell0 R_a 14 = 144 [R_a0x(Ra Table)] xCell0 R_a flag = FFFF xCell0 R_a 0 = 5 xCell0 R_a 1 = 5 xCell0 R_a 2 = 6 xCell0 R_a 3 = 5 xCell0 R_a 4 = 5 xCell0 R_a 5 = 5 xCell0 R_a 6 = 6 xCell0 R_a 7 = 6 xCell0 R_a 8 = 8 xCell0 R_a 9 = 9 xCell0 R_a 10 = 9 xCell0 R_a 11 = 9 xCell0 R_a 12 = 9 xCell0 R_a 13 = 11 xCell0 R_a 14 = 16 [Data(Calibration)] CC Gain = 49.383 CC Delta = 49.288 CC Offset = -0.61 Board Offset = -1.65 Int Temp Offset = 0.0 Ext Temp Offset = -3.9 Voltage Divider = 19160 [Current(Calibration)] Deadband = 0 [Codes(Security)] Sealed to Unsealed = 36720414 Unsealed to Full = FFFFFFFF Authen Key3 = 01234567 Authen Key2 = 89ABCDEF Authen Key1 = FEDCBA98 Authen Key0 = 76543210
Thanks in advance,
The gg file is setup properly to support LiFePO4 cells. I checked the OCV table and 94% SOC would be correct for a 4-cell stack voltage in the 13.4V to 13.6V range. Have you determined whether something is loading the cells or is the drop due to resting?
Hello Tom!
Nothing was loading the cells, the voltage dropped due to resting.
Is it normal that battery SoC drops due to resting when BQ34Z100 learning cycle is finished? Or it still depends on battery voltage? By the way, I have found in specification that this battery self-discharge rate is =< 3% (Monthly), but the battery SoC stayed on the same level (94%) after some weeks.
Best regards,
The device will continue to run OCV checks during rest and adjust RemCap and SOC as the voltage drops. You have the ChgDoDEoC bit set in the Operation Cfg B register, so the device will not reset the DOD point. You could try reducing the Taper Current to allow the cells to charge fuller and this should help to reduce the amount that the cell voltages drop after charge complete.
Hello Tom,
I reduced Taper Current tlll 200 mA (actual 2000 mA in X10 mode) and went once again through calibration process.
I don't think the problem is in Taper Current parameter, because I am charging the battery with automatic charger and charging stops itself at about 14900 mV. The SoC dropped again from 100% till 95% during weekend.
I offer you to review screenshots of Data RAM table taken at 0% (discahrged) after 1 night relaxation, 100% charged after one day relaxation, 100% one more day passed and 95% 3 more days later.
Values changing in DOD0 and SelfDischargeCurrent are confusing me! Are they normal, taking into account that no load was connected?
Hi Tom,
You still haven't answered to my previous post!
Two weeks more past since my previous measurement when the battery SoC dropped till 95%. Now the battery SoC is 94% and voltage is 13340 mV, and I think this battery parameters will not decrease a lot while no load or charger is connected!
Do you still thinking that battery SoC decreasing from 100% till 94% during some days is normal and it is nothing to do than just leave it!
Your reply is appreciated!
That is normal. The device will wait for 48 hours before running OCV measurements when using LiFePO4 cells. After that time, it will measure the voltage, compare it to the OCV table in the device and adjust SOC as needed. This correlates with what you are seeing. The ChemID's are setup such that the rested voltage should be above the 100% OCV voltage, so the issue could be caused by one or more cells not getting fully charged or leakage is draining them. I would measure each of the cells and see how they compare to one another. You will probably find that one is low.