When posting a new software inquiry on the TI E2E forum, please follow this guideline for the initial post.
Describing the Problem
Using the following list of questions as the template, copy and paste the questions to your post, and answer them if applicable.
- Is the device under test (DUT) a TI EVM or a custom board?
- If an EVM, which EVM is it? (The processor product page on has the available EVM name(s))
- If a custom board, which processor is on the board? is the problem reproducible on an EVM?
- Which processor core(s) is used, e.g. A53, R5F, M4F, and/or C7x?
- What is the OS running on the processor core(s)? Linux, FreeRTOS/baremetal, or something else?
- Is TI Processor SDK used? If so, which version is it?
- What is the hardware setup for the test?
- What is the program or software instructions to reproduce the problem?
- What behavior is expected?
- What happened instead?
- Does the problem happen on multiple boards?
- Does the problem happen on every boot? If not, at what frequency?
- What diagnosis/debug has been done?
- Attach the full boot log of the DUT if applicable.
Please provide any additional detail to help understand the problem: Just saying "it doesn't work" does not provide useful information.
Attaching Long Text Files
When it is necessary to provide long text files, such as logs, source code, or patches, please attach the files to the post instead of manually copying & pasting them into the post.
This is how to attach a file in the post: In the message compose window, click the "Insert" button at the bottom of the window, then click "Image/video/file" item in the popup menu, In the new popup window, click the grey "Upload" word under the "File/URL" box, then navigate to the file to be attached and click the "Select" button at the top-right corner. Finally click the "OK" button at the bottom-left window to close it.
Please put the source code or log into plain text files. Please do NOT upload pictures/screenshots of the code or log.
Most terminal programs support collecting console logs into plain text files. For example, in minicom, press "Ctrl-A L" then provide the log filename; in Teraterm, click menu "File -> Log..." then provide the log filename. To stop collecting the log, do the same sequence then click "Close".
Enabling LineWrap in Terminal Program
When collecting console logs in a terminal program, please ensure the "LineWrap" feature is ON in the terminal program, so that the log messages do not get truncated.
To enable "LineWrap" in minicom, add "-w" option when start minicom in the Linux command line. If minicom is already running, press "Ctrl-A W" in the minicom window then check the message at the bottom of minicom. If it shows "LineWrap OFF", press "Ctrl-A W" again to enable it.
Attaching Code Snippet
When it is only necessary to attach a few lines of code or log messages, attaching it as a file is over killed. Instead, please insert the code/patch into the post using the "Insert->Code" feature at the bottom of the message compose window. Again, please do not attach screenshots of the code or log.
- Be informative and specific in the initial issue report
- No pictures/screenshots for text content/logs
- Attach plain text files instead of rich-format files