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J7 Family of SoCs have multiple on-die sensors to read the SoC temperatures on various domains.
They are part of the VTM module. VTM stands for voltage thermal management module.
All the sensors are essentially doing the ADC conversions to read out the temperature & give out a digital
value & we use polynomial equations to generate a look up table for ADC value Vs temperature & vice versa.
For example on J721e/TDA4VM:
On the Linux SDK:
We need add 2 patches on top to get the temperature reading using Linux.
Below is the table with the zip of patches for multiple Linux SDK versions of J721e & J7200. This will updated as and when we have newer SDKs & newer J7 SoC family devices.
Steps to add the patches, build & copy the updated images to SD card:
Download the specific SDK/SOC zip file that is required & rename it as Unzip the to the $PSDK_Linux/board-support/linux-* folder cd $PSDK_PATH/board-support/linux-* git am vtm/* cd ../.. make linux Insert the Linux SDK SD card. Edit the file $PSDK_PATH/Rules.make Set DESTDIR=/media/$USER/rootfs cd $PSDK_PATH sudo make linux_install
SoC | Patches on SDK 8.0 | Patches on SDK 7.3 | Patches on SDK 7.1 | Patches on SDK 7.0 |
J721e/TDA4VM | | | | |
J7200 | | NA | NA |
Upon booting Linux with the updated Images We can read temperatures using:
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp
Best Regards,