Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
Hello All,
We defined a structure which include three elements first element size = 0x0600 0000, second element size = 0x0c00 0000 and the third element size = 0x330, the basic address of the structure is 0xCA90 0000 so the first element get the basic address 0xCA90 0000 the second one gets 0xD090 0000 and the last one gets 0xBC90 0000 insted of 0xDC90 0000, when we reduced the over all size to less then 0x1000 0000 then everything is fine, is there any size limitation to a SW element? we also checked the struct size and we are getting a negative number,
We are using C66 ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0 tool,
Many Thanks,