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AFE7700: JESD loopback mode enabling

Part Number: AFE7700
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04828


We`re using 204B subclass 1, LMFSH 24410 for TX and RX, 12410 for FB. Device mode FDD, dedicatedLaneMode =True.

There is a way to enable the "Analog repeater" loopback mode to forward ADC data to DAC in the LATE tool using jesdLoopbackEn flag, but how to properly switch to these modes:

a. SerDes receiver data to SerDes transmitters within the SerDes blocks.

b. TX input data to RX output data outside the SerDes block

Could you provide a list of SPI instructions on how to enable these modes? 

Is it sensitive to SysRef pulse? If so, should it be passed after the pulse or before SysRef application? 

Thanks, waiting for your answer.

  • Oleksii,

    We are looking into this.



  • Hello, Jim!

    Meanwhile, I`ve updated late and Lib to version 2.20 and have more questions related to configuration and script correctness.

    HW Description: FPGA connected to SRX1-4, STX1-4 (No inversion for all lanes), 1 LVDS sync for both directions

    My obligatory goals: Full Rate 2949.12MHz; 9.83Gbps Serdes Speed, 8b/10b coding, DAC and ADC data rate 254.76M on lanes 1-4, TDD mode.

    My optional goal is to have data from FB during DAC operation (there is a possibility to modify the board and connect TX/RX signals in case of needing). Optimise power consumption to use a single JESD core if it`s possible.

    Here is the current script version:

    if boardType in ("EVM","HSC1373"):
    	if setupParams.selectedDut==1:
    ##### System Parameters
    sysParams.FRef                  = 245.76#368.64#
    sysParams.Fs                    = 2949.12#56*61.44#3440.64#
    sysParams.pllMuxModes			= 0	
    										#0: 4T4R Mode with PLL0 as Master. PLL 0 for all the LOs.
    										#1: 4T4R Mode with PLL2 as Master. PLL 2 for all the LOs.
    										#2: 4T4R FDD Mode. PLL0 for TX and PLL2 for RX.
    										#3: 2*2T2R FDD Mode: PLL0 AB-TX;PLL3 AB-RX; PLL2 CD TX; PLL4 CD RX
    										#4: 2T2R FDD - TDD Mode: PLL0 AB-TX; PLL3-AB-RX; PLL2 CD
    sysParams.useSpiSysref			= False
    # LO Settings
    sysParams.pllLo					= [3500.01,sysParams.Fs,3501.06,1800.24,3400.0]	#PLL Frequencies for PLLs [0,1,2,3,4]#4899.9825
    sysParams.jesdLoopbackEn		= 0		#Make it 1 to Enable the JESDTX to JESDRX internal loopback
    ## In below parameters, first in the array is for first 2T2R1F and second 2T2R1F.
    # JESD and Serdes Parameters
    sysParams.LMFSHdRx                = ["24410","24410"] 
    sysParams.LMFSHdFb                = ["12410","12410"]
    sysParams.LMFSHdTx                = ["24410","24410"] #["24410","24410"]
    sysParams.systemMode              = [2,2]					# 0-Identical, 1-FDD, 2-TDD
    sysParams.dedicatedLaneMode       = [1,1]
    sysParams.jesdProtocol            = 0#1#0				# -0:B; 1:H; 2:C
    sysParams.serdesFirmware		  =r"C:\\Users\\sa\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\Latte\\lib\\Afe77xxLibraries\\AFE77xxLibraryPG1P1\\resourceFiles\\with_rom.fw.d04a4d.bin" #False#True#""					# If you want to lead any firmware, please speify the path here. Otherwise it will not write any firmware
    sysParams.jesdTxLaneMux			= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]	# RX1,RX2,RX3,RX4,FB1,FB2 # Enter which lanes you want in each location. 
    															# Note that across 2T Mux is not possible in 0.5.
    															# For example, if you want to exchange the first two lines of each 2T, this should be [1,0,2,3,5,4,6,7]
    sysParams.jesdRxLaneMux			= [0,1,4,5,2,3,6,7]	# TX1,TX2,TX3,TX4,NA,NA, NA, NA	# Enter which lanes you want in each location.
    															# Note that across 2R Mux is not possible in 0.5.
    sysParams.serdesTxLanePolarity	= [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] 
    sysParams.serdesRxLanePolarity	= [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] 										# For example, if you want to exchange the first two lines of each 2R, this should be 
    sysParams.jesdRxRbd				= [15, 15]
    sysParams.jesdScr				= [True,True]		# Does the Same config for JESD TX and RX
    sysParams.jesdK					= [16,16] 
    sysParams.lowIfNcoRx			=	[0,0]
    sysParams.lowIfNcoTx			=	[0,0]
    sysParams.lowIfNcoFb			=	[0,0]
    # Decimation and interpolation Parameters
    sysParams.ducFactorTx				= [12, 12]#[14, 14]#[28./3,28./3]#[7, 7]#
    sysParams.ddcFactorRx				= [12, 12]#[14, 14]#
    sysParams.ddcFactorFb				= [12, 12]#[7, 7]#
    sysParams.fbNco						= [3500.01,3500.01]#[4899.9825, 4899.9825]
    sysParams.setTxLoFbNcoFreqForTxCalib	= True#False#		# Note that if this is True, the fbNcoValues entered above will be overwritten and fbNCO and LO values will be chosen to the closest supported values.
    sysParams.txIqMcCalibMode=2		# 0 -Single Fb Mode FB AB ; 1 -Single Fb Mode FB CD ; 2- Dual Fb_Mode
    sysParams.customerConfig			= False#True
    LMKParams.pllEn			=	True					# If this is True, it takes the onboard oscillator as input to PLL and all clocks are generated from it. If it is False, it takes the external clock input of frequency - lmkParams.inputClk and generates the required clocks through dividers (No LMK PLL will be used).
    LMKParams.lmkFrefClk	=	True
    #LMKParams.inputClk		=	1474.56#1290.24#
    LMKParams.sysrefFreq	=	0.96
    sysParams.bitFileType=0			#0-Regular. 1- Same clock rate to FPGA 2 inputs. 2-8-Lane codes
    sysParams.jesdTxRxABSyncMux		= 0 
    sysParams.jesdTxRxCDSyncMux		= 0 
    sysParams.jesdTxFBABSyncMux		= 0 
    sysParams.jesdTxFBCDSyncMux		= 0 
    sysParams.jesdRxABSyncMux		= 0 
    sysParams.jesdRxCDSyncMux		= 0 
    sysParams.jesdABLvdsSync		= 1
    sysParams.jesdCDLvdsSync		= 1
    if simulationMode==False:
    sysParams.enableRxDsaFactoryCal 		= False
    sysParams.enableTxDsaFactoryCal 		= False
    sysParams.enableTxIqmcLolTrackingCorr = False
    sysParams.enableRxIqmcLolTrackingCorr = True
    AFE.TOP.overrideTdd(1, 1, 1)

    Now DAC is configured as 2 links with 2 lanes in each. Should I switch to 1 link 4 lanes in case of 1 differential SYNC signal routed from FPGA?

    And thus for 1 link 4 lanes, I`ve to define sysParams.LMFSHdTx as ["48410","48410"]  simultaneously reverting jesdRxLaneMux to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].to expect to have SRX1-4 lanes for DAC data, am I right? 


    ADC aspects:

    Since I`ve only STX1-4 connected to FPGA, I need to properly map data there. Now I`m routing the FB link away, to STX5,6 using the dedicated lanes flag and selecting unused pins for the SYNC signal as well. Is it allowed to get rid of FB, keeping RX ch operating normally?

    What strategy should be used for sharing the first 4 series lanes between 4RX and 2FB channels to process them (obviously involving GPIO control) and how is the script must be written in that case?


    Your rapid response would help us greatly!

  • Hi Oleksii,

    I'm working on this. I will have an update by Friday. 



  • Hi! Still waiting for an update from you.

    Best regards,

    Oleksii Shako

  • HW Description: FPGA connected to SRX1-4, STX1-4 (No inversion for all lanes), 1 LVDS sync for both directions

    I assume you mean 1 LVDS sync each for both directions. 

    Now DAC is configured as 2 links with 2 lanes in each. Should I switch to 1 link 4 lanes in case of 1 differential SYNC signal routed from FPGA?

    Not needed. It can be configured as two links (LMFS: 24410) in latte  with one common differential SYNC signal. Common SYNC signal is configured by setting both 'sysParams.jesdRxABSyncMux' and 'sysParams.jesdRxCDSyncMux' to '0'. From FPGA point of view, it will look like a single link with double L and M i.e. LMFS: 48410. 

    To use SRX1-4 jesdRxLaneMux should be set to [0,1,4,5,2,3,6,7]. 

    Since I`ve only STX1-4 connected to FPGA, I need to properly map data there. Now I`m routing the FB link away, to STX5,6 using the dedicated lanes flag and selecting unused pins for the SYNC signal as well. Is it allowed to get rid of FB, keeping RX ch operating normally?

    It should be okay to not use FB channels output data this way. However, FB channels are used to correct LO leakage and IQ image of TX channels. So these need to enabled. 

    What strategy should be used for sharing the first 4 series lanes between 4RX and 2FB channels to process them (obviously involving GPIO control) and how is the script must be written in that case?

    Sharing JESD lanes between RX and FB would reduce power dissipation. When using shared lane mode in TDD operation, based on which chain is enabled using GPIO, 4 RX data or 2 FB data is sent out on JESD lanes. 'sysParams.dedicatedLaneMode' has to be set to [0,0] to configure in shared lane mode. As FB needs only 2 lanes, only STX1 and STX3 will have valid data in FB enable mode. 



  • Hi,Vijay!

    Thanks for your answers, it helps us so much and clarified the situation.

    I assume you mean 1 LVDS sync each for both directions. 

    Yes, sure. Each direction has its own sync signal.

    Fortunately, I`ve got data for ADC and DAC as well. The issue was in the SysRef signal configuration. The EVM board configures LMK as a continuous Sysref generator, meanwhile, in the JESD204B specification it`s recommended to use it in pulse burst upon request during init because of clock interference during operation. I suggest describing this behaviour in some app-note for feature developers. 

    In generated *Custom2.txt config file it was written ambiguously:

    \\Give Sysref Here.
    WAIT 0.001

    On our board, LMK04828 was configured as spi pulser, 1 pulse in train for SysRef signals. And switching to continuous Sysref mode resolves configuration problems issue.

    Thanks for your support!