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AFE7920EVM: Power gain in analogue repeater configuration

Part Number: AFE7920EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920

Hi Team,

I recently did an experiment with AFE7920EVM, where at the input of it's ADC A I bring 0 dBm signal @ 600 MHz, and then I measure the signal at the DAC A output.

DAC A NCO frequency is set to 2245 MHz.

Weirdly, I recorded at the output a signal that is slightly higher than what input is providing (0.82 dBm).

To be sure, I also measured input of the ADC A, and with all the cable and connector losses, input signal RF power adds up to -0.1 dBm (i.e., loss of 0.1 dB).

I wanted to know if the DSAs on-board AFE7920 can actually provide in anyway an active gain, or did I somehow miss anything.

If not DSA, could you provide any insight on what could cause more power on output than on input?

Please find attached bellow the code I used for this.

Kind regards,


Step 0 -> initialization and setup

##########         AFE79xx mandatory initialization procedure        ##########

# Clear previous sessions:
base_directory = "C:\\Users\\laboadmin\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\Afe79xxLatte\\projects\\AFE79xx\\digitalBoardVLBI_flex\\"
# Initialize AFE board:
mainWindow.runFile(base_directory + r"")
mainWindow.runFile(base_directory + r"")
# Perform device reset:

info('          Mandatory AFE initialization complete')

Step 1 -> parameter selection

##########                     General settings:                     ##########

# VLBI Tx frequency plan details:
custom_clk = 3																	# Pick AFE frequency plan scenario.

enableAnalogRepeater = True														# Enable/disable AFE in analog loopback configuration (DACs transmitting from ADCs).
dualLanePerSignal = False														# Pick 2 lanes (True) or 4 lanes (False) to transmit signal via JESD lines.
enableAdcDacSync = True															# Enable sync signal between ADCs and DACs and FPGA by disabling LVDS sync that fixes GPIO pins.
ADCenable = {	"A": 1, 														# Select which ADCs are enabled during AFE operation.
				"B": 1, 
				"C": 1, 
				"D": 1}				

enableTxRxScrambling = True
setTxRxFbK = 16
separateLinks = False
jesdSystemMode = [3, 3]

enableMux = {'Tx': False, 'Rx': False}
useSpiSysref = True																# Enable (when debugging)/disable (in real operation) internal SYSREF signal.

Fnco_tx1 = 2245.0
Fnco_tx4 = 6812.5

ncoFreqModes = ["1KHz", "FCW"]

syncLoopBack = bool(1-enableAnalogRepeater)
jesdLoopbackEn = bool(enableAnalogRepeater)

enableLVDSsync = bool(1-enableAdcDacSync)
fbJesdTxSyncMux = 3 if enableLVDSsync else 1

gpioMapping = {	'H8': 'ADC_SYNC0',
				'H7': 'DAC_SYNC0',
				'N8': 'ADC_SYNC2',
				'N7': 'ADC_SYNC3',
				'H9': 'ADC_SYNC1',
				'G9': 'DAC_SYNC1',
				'N9': 'DAC_SYNC2',
				'P9': 'DAC_SYNC3',
				'P14': 'GLOBAL_PDN',
				'K14': 'FBABTDD',
				'R6': 'FBCDTDD',
				'H15': ['TXATDD','TXBTDD'],
				'V5': ['TXCTDD','TXDTDD'],
				'E7': ['RXATDD','RXBTDD'],
				'R15': ['RXCTDD','RXDTDD']}

if custom_clk == 0:
	# TI template configuration at TI clock reference
	f0 = 122.88
	Nrx = 24
	Nddc = 6
	Ntx = 4
	NFRef = 4
	NfpgaRefClk = 1#2
	NinputClk = 8#12
	LMFSHdTx = ['44210', '44210', '44210', '44210']
	warning("TI reference design selected! Make sure FPGA and clock reference are properly set up")
elif custom_clk == 3:
	# Forked VLBI setup
	f0 = 122.76
	Nrx = 24
	Nddc = 6
	Ntx = 4
	NFRef = 1
	NfpgaRefClk = 1
	NinputClk = 1
	Nlanes = '2' if dualLanePerSignal else '4'
	Nconv = Nlanes
	LMFSHdTx = [Nlanes+Nconv+'210']*4
if custom_clk != 0: warning("Custom configuration selected! Make sure FPGA and external clock reference are properly connected and set up")
LMFSHdFb = ['22210', '22210']
Nduc = Nddc*Ntx
info('Tx & Rx LMFSHd settings: '+LMFSHdTx[0])

info('User configuration:')
if enableAnalogRepeater:
	info('     Analog repeater') 
	info('     Digital repeater')
if enableAdcDacSync:
	info('     LVDS sync disabled - ADC and DAC sync enabled') 
	info('     LVDS sync enabled - ADC and DAC sync disabled')
if custom_clk:
	info('     External clock reference used: '+str(f0)+'MHz')
	info('     Internal AFE clock reference used: '+str(f0)+'MHz')

info('          User parametrization complete')

Step 2 -> AFE setup

##########              AFE79xx analog front-end setup               ##########

# AFE general settings
AFE.systemStatus.loadTrims = 1
setupParams.skipFpga = 1
setupParams.fpgaRefClk = f0*NfpgaRefClk
sysParams = AFE.systemParams
sysParams.chipVersion = chipVersion
sysParams.FRef = f0*NFRef
##sysParams.executeLinkUpSequenceSeparately = separateLinks

##########               Analog settings: AFE 79XX EVM               ##########

# General system settings	
sysParams.RRFMode = 0
sysParams.modeTdd = 0
##sysParams.adcSelect0 = [0, 1, 2]
##sysParams.adcSelect1 = [0, 1, 2]
sysParams.useSpiSysref = useSpiSysref
##sysParams.sysrefTermination = 0
sysParams.ncoFreqMode = ncoFreqModes[custom_clk != 0]
sysParams.spiMode = 1

# ADC settings
sysParams.FadcRx = f0*Nrx
info('ADC sampling rate: '+str(sysParams.FadcRx)+'MHz')
sysParams.rxEnable = [	ADCenable["A"], 
sysParams.externalClockRx = 0
##sysParams.halfRateModeRx = [0, 0]
sysParams.ddcFactorRx = [Nddc]*4
info('ADC down-conversion factors: '+str(sysParams.ddcFactorRx))
sysParams.numBandsRx = [0]*4
##sysParams.numRxNCO = 1
##sysParams.ncoRxMode = [0, 0]
##sysParams.broadcastRxNcoSel = 0
sysParams.rxNco0 = [[600.0]*2, 
info('ADC NCOs: '+str(sysParams.rxNco0[0][0])+'MHz, '+str(sysParams.rxNco0[1][0])+'MHz, '+str(sysParams.rxNco0[2][0])+'MHz, '+str(sysParams.rxNco0[3][0])+'MHz')

# FB settings
sysParams.FadcFb = sysParams.FadcRx
info('FB ADC sampling rate: '+str(sysParams.FadcFb)+'MHz')
sysParams.fbEnable = [0, 0]
##sysParams.halfRateModeFb = [0, 0]
sysParams.ddcFactorFb = [Nddc]*2
info('FB ADC down-conversion factors: '+str(sysParams.ddcFactorFb))
sysParams.numBandsFb = [0, 0]
##sysParams.numFbNCO = 1
##sysParams.ncoFbMode = 0
sysParams.fbNco0 = [1000, 1000]
sysParams.fbNco1 = [1000, 1000]
sysParams.fbNco2 = [1000, 1000]
sysParams.fbNco3 = [1000, 1000]
info('FB ADC NCOs: '+str(sysParams.fbNco0[0])+'MHz, '+str(sysParams.fbNco1[0])+'MHz')

# DAC settings
# AFE7920 DAC sampling rate must fall into one of the following frequency ranges (due to pll restrictions): [7.2 GHz, 7.68 GHz] or [8.8 GHz, 9.1 GHz] or [9.7 GHz, 10.24 GHz] or [11.6 GHz, 12.08 GHz]
sysParams.Fdac = sysParams.FadcRx*Ntx
info('DAC sampling rate: '+str(sysParams.Fdac)+'MHz')
sysParams.txEnable = [1, 1, 1, 1]
sysParams.externalClockTx = 0
##sysParams.halfRateModeTx = [0, 0]
sysParams.ducFactorTx = [Nduc]*4
info('DAC up-conversion factors: '+str(sysParams.ducFactorTx))
sysParams.numBandsTx = [0, 0, 0, 0]
##sysParams.numTxNCO = 1
##sysParams.combineDucMode = [0, 0]
sysParams.enableDacInterleavedMode = 0
##sysParams.ncoTxMode = [0, 0]
##sysParams.broadcastTxNcoSel = 0
sysParams.txNco0 = [[Fnco_tx1]*2,

info('DAC NCOs: '+str(sysParams.txNco0[0][0])+'MHz, '+str(sysParams.txNco0[1][0])+'MHz, '+str(sysParams.txNco0[2][0])+'MHz, '+str(sysParams.txNco0[3][0])+'MHz')

info('          Analog front end setup complete')

Step 3 -> JESD setup

##########               AFE79xx EVM JESD204b settings               ##########

sysParams.topLevelSystemMode = 'StaticTDDMode'
sysParams.jesdSystemMode = jesdSystemMode
sysParams.serdesFirmware = 1
sysParams.jesdABLvdsSync = enableLVDSsync
sysParams.jesdCDLvdsSync = enableLVDSsync
sysParams.syncLoopBack = syncLoopBack
sysParams.jesdLoopbackEn = jesdLoopbackEn
sysParams.LMFSHdRx = LMFSHdRx
sysParams.jesdRxProtocol = [0]*2
sysParams.jesdRxLaneMux = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
sysParams.jesdRxRbd = [4]*2
sysParams.rxJesdTxScr = [enableTxRxScrambling]*4
sysParams.rxJesdTxK = [setTxRxFbK]*4
##sysParams.rxJesdTxSyncMux = [0]*4
##sysParams.rxDataMux = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
##sysParams.serdesRxLanePolarity = [0]*8
##sysParams.adcDataMuxEn = enableMux['Tx']
sysParams.LMFSHdFb = LMFSHdFb
sysParams.fbJesdTxScr = [enableTxRxScrambling]*2
sysParams.fbJesdTxK = [setTxRxFbK]*2
##sysParams.fbJesdTxSyncMux = [fbJesdTxSyncMux, fbJesdTxSyncMux]
##sysParams.fbDataMux = [0, 1]
sysParams.LMFSHdTx = LMFSHdTx
sysParams.jesdTxProtocol = [0]*2
sysParams.jesdTxLaneMux = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
#sysParams.jesdTxRbd = [4, 4]
sysParams.jesdRxScr = [enableTxRxScrambling]*4
sysParams.jesdRxK = [setTxRxFbK]*4
##sysParams.jesdRxSyncMux = [0]*4
##sysParams.txDataMux = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
##sysParams.serdesTxLanePolarity = [0]*8
##sysParams.dacDataMuxEn = enableMux['Rx']
#sysParams.serdesTxPreCursor = [6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
#sysParams.serdesTxPostCursor = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
#sysParams.serdesTxMainCursor = [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3]
##sysParams.setIlaParams = 1
##sysParams.jesdTxIlaM = [8, 8, 2, 8, 8, 2]
##sysParams.jesdTxIlaLid = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
##sysParams.jesdTxIlaL = [4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2]

##########      Remap AFE pins to adjust for the FW/FPGA design      ##########

sysParams.gpioMapping = gpioMapping

info('          JESD setup complete')

Step 4 -> LMK setup

##########           Clock distribution mode and LMK setup           ##########

lmkParams.pllEn = (custom_clk == 0)
lmkParams.inputClk = f0*NinputClk
lmkParams.lmkFrefClk = True
lmkParams.lmkPulseSysrefMode = False

lmk.rawWriteLogEn = 1
lmk.logEn = 1

logDumpInst.logFormat = 0x01
logDumpInst.rewriteFile	= 1
logDumpInst.rewriteFileFormat4 = 1

device.optimizeWrites = 0
device.rawWriteLogEn = 1
device.delay_time = 0

setupParams.skipLmk	= False
lmkParams.sysrefFreq = AFE.systemStatus.sysrefFreq

# Force Latte to program the LMK outputs (relevant to the FPGA) in bypass/distribution mode when external reference clock is applied:
if custom_clk != 0: = 2 = 2 = 1 = 2
setupParams.skipLmk = True
info('          LMK setup complete')

Step 5 -> AFE7920 bringup

##########                  AFE79xx device bring-up                  ##########

AFE.TOP.overrideTdd(15, 3, 15)
#AFE.TOP.overrideTdd(15, 0, 15)

info('          AFE bringup complete')

  • Hi Zeljko,

    The full scale input of the ADC is not the same as the full scale output power of the DAC, so the output power of the DAC will not be equal to the input power of the ADCs input signal. When calculating what the DAC output power should be are you taking into account the ADC and DAC full scale?


    David Chaparro

  • Hi David,

    As I am not modifying the default behavior with DAC and ADC power levels in my script, I would say that I apply no additional scaling. However, I don't know what IS the default behavior. Could you please let me know more about this? Is by default ADC chain adding some gain to the signal? Or does DAC chain doing it? And if so, by how much is the input amplified?

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Zeljko,

    As discussed in our meeting today, there is no gain to the signal. The issue that you are seeing is caused by the difference in full scale between the ADC and DAC. 


    David Chaparro