Part Number: AFE79xx
Hello, I am trying to implement step attenuator using LATTE, and i have setting like sysParams.defaultRxDsa =[0,0,0,0], sysParams.defaultFbDsa = [0,0] ,sysParams.defaultTxDsa =[0,0,0,0] .
- AFE.DSA.setRxDsa(chNo,dsaSetting)
- AFE.DSA.setTxDsa(chNo,dsaSetting)
I am using these 2 functions in order to attenuate the TX,RX power .What i observed is TX attenuation is working fine i.e., the output attenuated power of TX has mostly 0 -1 dB difference, But when it comes to RX POWER ATTENUATION.Let's say the output power at 0 dB is 0.If i gave AFE.DSA.setRxDsa(0,5), The output i am getting -4.20 dB, If i gave AFE.DSA.setRxDsa(0,10), The output i am getting (-7.86) dB, If i gave AFE.DSA.setRxDsa(0,15), The output i am getting -12. 37 dB .So the attenuation is not happening accurately for the RX SIDE , What could be the reason for it ? Do i need to change any setting on the latte ?
anticipating positive response.