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IWR6843ISK: iwr6843isk + mmwaveicboost (uart communication works sometimes and sometime it doesnt)

Part Number: IWR6843ISK
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWAVEICBOOST,

     I am using  iwr6843isk with mmwaveicboost ,and flashed the sensor platform with people_counting from industrial toolbox version  3.5 ,flashed it using uni-flash ,and using the Matlab gui was able to connect to the sensor and was able to see detection on Matlab plotting,but when i reconnect it back again ,the uart fails when config is applied ,nothing is read from the data port ,the comports come up as usual com25 and com24 ,but still not able to communicate with the board .i have to do multiple retries of reattaching the sensor to the usb port for it work again, i have two boards (iwr6843isk + mmwaveicboost) ,a new one which behaves in the same wave ,what could be going wrong, it works a 1min and when i reattach the sensor there is no response from the sensor.

please help me fix this ,going around this problem for weeks now, nothing wrong with comport drivers ,because each time they show up but only problem is there is no data on the dataport when config is doesnt work even after multiple reattaching of the sensor to the usb port .and suddenly it works.


  • Hello Rahul,

    Please make sure to reset the device between sending the configuration for people counting. If the device is not reset, trying to send a new configuration will not work. Please confirm if this happening or not. nReset must be pressed at least. If there are other errors caused by a bad configuration, a full power cycle may be needed.

    Also, is there any output from the matlab console? If running the .exe, you can run it from the command prompt so the output messages will persist. 

    Also, please try with a different USB cable, as sometimes this can be an issue.



  • Hi Jackson,
      sorry for the delay, The device is powercycled each time before it is configured (since that is the time i attach the device to the usb port of the system),The device sits inside a secure box ,so usually i dont use the nRst button on the device.But when there is no response from the device after configuration is sent, i powercycle and reset using nRst button.

    i did try different usb cable and different system(windows and linux) gets connected after multiple powercycle,and if powercycled again it stops responding

    i have attached a matlab command prompt after applying the configuration,the error is usually because there is no response from the ISK,but both the mmwaveicboost and iwr6843isk work perfectly well when used separately until now ,its like the data  port  is dead.

    Any solutions for this ,which will help me recover the device when this occurs would be of great help


  • Hello,

    The debug image did not attach properly. Can you please link it again? 

    Also, unplugging just the USB does not provide a full reset. please also unplug the barrel jack connector, then the USB, the plug in the barrel jack power, then the connection the USB. This should provide a full reset.



  • We tried all this Jackson. mmwaveicboost does not work reliably

  • Can you confirm if you see the same behavior when connecting directly to the ISK board in standalone mode?

    How are you confirming "connection"? If you have no other programs open (no matlab or python or other programming holding the connection) and you just look at the application port in teraterm (baud 115200), do you see anything printed there with either the IC boost or the standalone module?



  • With ISK board we have no issues at all. 

    With mmwaveicboost the connection appears to come on , but only briefly and we loose it almost immediately. We wonder if its because of the high pitch connector that in earlier models used to be held firm on two connectors instead of only one now. With only one connector we have kept it steady with nylon spacers between the two boards and nylon washers as active components are very close to the standoff . 

    We've struggled through this problem for a while now and if ISK can work directly, what then is the purpose of this ICBOOST?

    Baud rate is all fine. Sheer intermittent connection failures make this icboost+isk unusable

  • It does sound like there is a connection issue with the IC boost then. It could be in the dip switches on the board (if the connector is somehow damaged or loose), or the 60 pin connection between the ISK board and IC boost, or the USB connector on the IC boost.

    One thing to test to narrow this down is to connect via JTAG to the device with CCS. The instructions can be seen below.

    This still uses the USB and XDS, but would use different pins on the 60 pin connector. 

    The typical main purpose of the IC boost is for debugging code changes. If you are just running the pre built binaries, then it is not needed and you can use the EVM in standalone mode.

