I'm trying to figure out what particular setup might work to detect a spray of water infront of a radar chip.
I'm not necessarily concerned with range detection, but with quality of returned signal. I want to see how much attenuation I have of the signal, what the db loss on returned signal is etc. I'm trying to see if I can spot a change from one spray condition to another, starting at about a 5% change in returned signal. I want to see all the noise in the returned signal because that's what would tell me the quality and I'd like to look at the change in said signal.
The principal I'm basing this on is that weather radar looks at the returned signal from different sized water drops. The different size drops and variations in signal loss over time/distance allow them to determine droplet sized based on know attenuation and scatter for specific radar wavelengths.
I'm looking at these chips Millimeter Wave (mmWave) radar sensors | Products | TI.com and the eval boards to start.
Thank you,