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TMCS1107: Removing 2.5 V DC offset from output

Part Number: TMCS1107
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMCS1100


  I'm currently using this TMCS1107A1B-Q1 current sensor for my current measurement. According to the datasheet it provides a DC offset of 2.5V. I want an output without this DC offset. 

Is there any way I could remove this DC offset, probably without using op-amp?

Thanks ,


  • Avinash,

    These devices are meant for bidirectional measurement, and the reference for these devices is completed internally, so unfortunately there is no way to back this out of the measurement from the output. For the output case you are describing, I would recommend looking at the TMCS1100A1-Q1, which allows an external reference to be provided. You could provide a 2.5V external reference to the device and then reference the output measurement to the REF input itself to achieve the desired output you mention. 

  • Hello,

      Yes, I require bidirectional measurement of current but I also need symmetrical voltage across 0, i.e. I don't want an offset of 2.5V. 

    Any way that I could eliminate this 2.5V offset ? I tried using opamp differential output but didn't work properly.

    Thank you,


  • Avinash,

    Got it. Then, as I mentioned, the best way to do this would be via a differential signal off of the TMCS1100 , which unfortunately may require an amplifier to bring back to single ended if that is what you ultimately need at your termination. The reference of the differential signal would be the reference voltage fed into the device itself, and the resulting signal would simply be your bidirectional signal about zero.