Goof morning/afternoon/evening everyone!
I'm working as QC dept and get some problems about this sensor; our company have chosen this sensor for humidty record. Actually, we are under development for meteorological device, and taking field test, then checking all log of all days we got as much as we did.
Now, we've found that our meteorological device recored humidity late as 0% suddenly. This was totally impossible case because device has been placed near sea area. It should has recorded exact number.
BTW, this sebsor has protector as waterproof, so we thought that it was enough to work well. However, it wasn't...
So, have you ever heard that this sensor which is activated near sea area will be stop working suddenly because of something salt damage or so..?
If you have any experiance that you have tested this sensor at somewhere tough condition such extreamly hot/cold or salty area for over 1month, then you haven't got no problem, let me show your exprience. I much prefere to get more general opinion, not approached as accademic points with number.
Many thanks