I encounter a question about tiovx resource release.
Original capture framework:
capture framework after modify:
we modify like this for Improving camera flexibility,different camera is in different graph.
Because the tiovx capture kernel is implemented based on the R-core fvid2 driver interface, which is encapsulated based on CSI hardware.
a CSI hardware has four virtual data channels, creating multiple graphs based on the current framework will lead to fvid2_create is called many times, so the same csirx hardware will be initialized many times lead to generate exceptions.
when we call a camera demo and kill it repeat 8 times,we encounter a error like figure below:
187.776160 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[tivxObjDescQueueDequeue:218] Invalid parameters
187.776178 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:[tivxObjDescQueueDequeue:218] Invalid parameters