In the datasheet for the AFE3010, Section reads:
1. Open Solenoid Test: The AFE3010 checks for transition of AC line signal at the PH and SCR_TST pins. If the device does not detect a transition of the line signal at PH or SCR_TST pins for approximately 100 ms, then the device reads a self-test fail.
2. Diode Bridge Test: if a diode is shorted in the diode bridge rectifier, the device is able to detect the variation in supply current from the diode bridge. This detection is considered a self-test fail, and the AFE3010 fires the SCR and sets the ALARM blinking at 1-s intervals (for 60-Hz systems).
Question A) If the SCR Test feature is disabled on the AFE3010, does the AFE3010 still self-test for the solenoid coil = open failure?
Question B) For datasheet item 1, what is the transition (voltage threshold and duration?) that is required to pass the solenoid open coil self-test?
Question C) For datasheet item 2, How exactly does this work?