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PGA460PSM-EVM: test PGA460EVM questions

Part Number: PGA460PSM-EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA


One customer used the energia to download the firmware, he wanted to use the UART to return the distance value,  but it appears ERROR - Did not receive measurement results!

Could you please help to analyze? 

Best regards


  • Kailyn,

    Thanks for reaching out.  This particular error is the result of a timeout waiting for the UART to provide the entire data.  It will occur when there is less than 5 bytes of data in the buffer and 0.25 seconds have elapsed.  I would recommend checking the UART connections between the device and controller are good and verifying communication using a scope.



  • Hi Scott,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

     The customer replied he used the 5529 demo board to connect the UART interface, so it should have no problem between controller and device.

    Any other opinions?

    Best regards


  • Kailyn,

    To debug, it is always a good step to use a scope to verify that the proper signals are being transmitted, and that there are no loose connections or working problems.  It would be best to verify that the UART communication is active when attempting to configure the device in order to try and root cause why the timeout condition is being met.

    Another approach would be to confirm whether they are able to use the EVM GUI and that everything is setup and configured per the EVM user's guide

