Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDC1000, , TUSS4470, MSP430FR6043
I am working on a project where we are trying to use multiple ultrasonic transducers to achieve acoustic standing wave patterns in liquids.
The goal is to use multiple transducers with variable frequencies to create standing wave grid pattern in a medium.
Due to the size of desired standing wave grid pattern the transducers should be able to produce a variable frequency up too at least 2MHz.
From my minimal research so far what I think best suits my application (because of the required high frequency and control of two transducers) is the TDC1000 chip, and for my first prototype I would use the TDC1000-C2000EVM.
I personally do not have much experience with Ultrasonic Sensors/Transducers. What I somewhat understand is that the transducer and sensor is actually the same thing, it just depends how its used.
What I am concerned about is in the description of applications of the TDC1000 is that it talks all about sensing as an application. The chip is designed to transmit frequencies in pulses and then receive those frequencies for depth or flow measurement. In my application I actually just want to transmit, sensing is useful for feedback that my transmitted frequency is working, but more importantly I need to constantly transmit, not in pulses.
From the continuous transmit requirement I see that a chip like the TUSS4470 is more applicable, the problem being that it only can achieve 1MHz.
Did I miss something in the datasheet of the TDC1000 which would allow continuous transmitting? If not can you suggest me a chip or a design which provides continuous transmit up to 2MHz?
Thanks in advance,