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AWR1843: Issue in opening MRR_beamsteering GUI - Automotive toolbox 3.6

Part Number: AWR1843

Hi forum,

While running the mRR_Viz_1_4 GUI of lab0011_mrr_beamsteering from the file location "mmwave_automotive_toolbox_3_6_0\labs\lab0011_mrr_beamsteering\gui\MRRvisualization", I encountered with below error log:

Case-1: My PC operating system is 64-bit. I have installed MATLAB Runtime v8.5.1 64-bit, still I'm facing the same issue while opening the GUI.

Case-2: Secondly I tried installing MATLAB Runtime v8.5.1 32-bit, the GUI has opened successfully. But the GUI hangs after sometime.

Attached below the screenshot of GUI after hanged.

Could anyone please help me to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance


  • Hi Pragathi,

    Does it freeze permanently after a while or is it that it hangs and then resumes? Also, can you make sure your application is running without any issues on the radar device? It most likely looks like an issue with the PC performance due to an overload of points to be plotted. MATLAB Runtime v8.5.1 32-bit is the correct version to be used with this GUI and has been validated.



  • Hi Kaushik,

    GUI application does not freeze permanently, it resumes after sometime and again it hangs.
    Radar device is running without any issues, I have checked UART output data in teraterm.

    What PC configurations are required to make sure that the GUI operates smoothly?


  • Hi Pragathi,

    I'm not sure if I can comment on what are the recommended PC specs for the GUI. I use an i5 machine clocked at 2.6 GHz with 16GB of RAM. 

    I do have another suggestion here. Please download the latest version of radar toolbox available on TI resource explorer. It should have the GUI along with its source code. Try running it with the latest version of MATLAB that you have and see if there is any improvement.

    Meanwhile, we will try to improve the GUI and make a subsequent release in the future.

