Hi team,
The customer is trying to port mmwavelink to zynq. The firmware is ready for download. However, the next step cannot be taken when getting to MMWL_setDeviceCrcType, since it stuck at rlDriverMsgReadCmdCtx starts...
The IRQ waveform is always high.
The log shows that the firmware download is complete. The log after the download is complete is as follows:
Download in Progress: 0%..2%..5%..8%..11%..14%..17%..20%..23%..26%..29%..32%..35%..38%..41%..44%..47%..50%..52%..55%..58%..61%..64%..67%..70%..73%..76%..79%..82%..85%..88%..91%..94%..97%..Done!
Meta Image download complete ret = 0
Firmware update successful for deviceMap 1
rlDeviceSetMiscConfig starts...
rlDriverIsDeviceMapValid starts
rlDriverIsDeviceMapValid ends
rlDriverGetPlatformId is called
rlDriverGetPlatformId is called
rlDeviceIdentifyCmdDir starts...
cmdDir for MSS = 5 (5:host2Mss, 12:dss2Mss)
rlDeviceIdentifyCmdDir ends...
rlDriverCmdInvoke starts...
rlDriverMsgWrite starts...
rlDriverCalChkSum starts...
Final checksum 0x0
rlDriverCalChkSum ends...
API Dir = 5
rlDriverCalCRC starts...
rlDriverCalCRC ends...
rlDriverMsgWrite ends...
rlDriverWaitForResponse starts...
rlDriverMsgReadCmdCtx starts...
Capture the SPI sent by the host after the download is complete as follows:
0001 0010 0011 0100,0x1234
0100 0011 0010 0001,0x4321
1000 0000 1000 0101, 0x8085
0000 0000 0001 1110,0x001E
0100 0000 0000 0000 ,0x4000
0000 0000 0000 0000, 0x0000
0100 0000 0000 0001,0x4001
0011 1111 0101 1011,0x3F5B
0100 0000 0100 1100,0x404C
0000 0000 0001 0000,0x0010
(0000 0000 0000 0000)*6,0x0000*6
1101 0111 1001 1010, 0xD79A
The IRQ is always high and through debug it is found that it get stuck as shown in the following figure:
The waveforms for the last packet of data downloaded from the firmware are shown in the following figure:
The customer also checked some of the downloaded firmware content which was correct. Could you help check this case? Thanks.
Best Regards,