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AWR2243: Documentation for LUA commands and their mapping to radar functional APIs

Part Number: AWR2243


Is there documentation that shows how the ar1.__ LUA calls used in the example mmWaveStudio scripts are mapped to the radar functional APIs defined in the mmWave Radar Interface Control Document (ICD)?

For reference, the latest ICD can be downloaded here:

Thank you,

Karthik Choutagunta

  • Hi Karthik,

    To view a list of all of the Lua Shell commands with a brief description, you can type 'help' in the Lua Shell. To get detail of specific LUA command you can send 'help ar1.<LUA function name> in the Lua shell and it will print each parameter detail of that Lua command.

    An easy way to see what command corresponds to what button is to look at the output of the console window after each button press. The corresponding Lua command should be printed to the console window. You can view the console window by selecting View > Output in the Radar Studio GUI.

    For example, when you press 'TSW1400 ARM' you should see something similar to 'ar1.StartTsw1400Arm("C:\\ti\\mmwave_dfp_00_07_00_04\\rf_eval\\radarstudio\\PostProc\\adc_data.bin")' output on the console window. This is the corresponding Lua command.

    When you press 'Trigger Frame' you should see 'ar1.StartFrame()' output to the console window. This is the corresponding Lua command for the 'Trigger Frame' button.

    There should be a Lua command for each button in Radar Studio, so all Radar Studio commands can be automated.

    Additionally, you can use the following link for general lua scripting.

    Programming in Lua (first edition)

