Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWAVE-L-SDK, AWRL1432
I just received AWRL1432BOOST Eval-board and I tried loading the example code with ccs via connecting to usb.
But hard fault is happened.Could somebody give me advice on this symptom?
Let me explain in more what I did.
I just installed CCS and SDK, and I picked one sdk example, named as "motion_and_presence_detection_demo_xwrl14xx_evm~~"…
I opened the example code on the CCS and build was done automaticcally.
It appears that I wrote binary on the board by pressing the debug icon.
It is in debug mode, so it starts debugging from main.
Among the debug options, I think I selected "texas inst~~xda110 usb debug probe/cortex_M4_0" item.
( I wanted to attach screen-picture, but I can not.)
When I go a few steps from main(), Hard Fault error was occurred on "gMainTask = xTaskCreateStatic..." line from below codes.
What's the reason? how to solve this to debug code?
int main()
/* init SOC specific modules */
/* This task is created at highest priority, it should create more tasks and then delete itself */
gMainTask = xTaskCreateStatic( freertos_main, /* Pointer to the function that implements the task. */
"freertos_main", /* Text name for the task. This is to facilitate debugging only. */
MAIN_TASK_SIZE, /* Stack depth in units of StackType_t typically uint32_t on 32b CPUs */
NULL, /* We are not using the task parameter. */
MAIN_TASK_PRI, /* task priority, 0 is lowest priority, configMAX_PRIORITIES-1 is highest */
gMainTaskStack, /* pointer to stack base */
&gMainTaskObj ); /* pointer to statically allocated task object memory */
configASSERT(gMainTask != NULL);
I have one more question on this system.
- When I tried to program binary, where that binary was programmed? mcu ? or Qspi s/f on the baord?
Thanks in advace for your advice & help.
Best Regards,